A Bordeaux, a California Cab, an Italian and a Burg

Saturday night we went to Dinos with another couple. Had a great meal. They had a special deal on a T Bone steak large enough for 2 for $42. Great food.

We ordered off the list a starter white, which was a Bea 2007 Santa Chiara (a combination, as I understand it, of Grechetto, Malvasia, Chardonnay, Sauvignon and Garganega) - very rich, intense wine. Not terribly elegant, but full of flavor. Sort of like a dessert wine without the sweetness. Very interesting.

Then we had two reds we brought, a 1978 Diamond Creek Volcanic Hill and a 1982 Cos D’Estournal. The DC was really a beautiful wine. Nice rich flavors, excellent flavor interest, really young tasting for a 32 year old wine. When we first started drinking the Cos, it was also really good and interesting, but a bit funky and all over the place. [Note that we had both double decanted these wines prior to going to the restaurant. Thus, with the time it took to get there and the time it took to drink the white, we are talking about starting to drink at least 1 1/2 after opening.]
At the beginning, I preferred the DC.

With time, the Cos kept getting better and better. By the end of the two bottles, I thought the Cos was the better wine. It was not that the DC went downhill, but it did not keep getting tbetter the way the Cos did. The Cos was just really outstanding by the end of the evening.

Sunday night for father’s day I opened a 1988 Confuron Clos Vougeot. Fully mature, not too young, not too old. But just ok. Not that much to it. A disappointment.