99 Damoy Chapelle Chambertin

I was floored last night tasting the 99 Damoy Chapelle Chambertin blind at a friend’s house. The wine was gorgeous. Detailed. Wonderful texture.

I had some early 90’s Damoy’s from a friend and really didn’t care for them. I vowed to leave that producer alone.

When did this style change?

I understand the winemaker really doesn’t enjoy wine but is a family member. How do you make wine like this without being passionate?

I was really surprised. Any information here is appreciated. Damoy has huge holdings in Chambertin if I remember.


I have started buying Damoy in recent vintages. Chet Kern had written some glowing things about them and then I found some 99’s at a reasonable price afew years ago.

I had a few old Damoys at Berns and loved them. Tried some from the early '90s and like you Don I was disappointed. I did see some very good reviews for more recent vintages but don’t know what changed. I’m also interested in learning more so hopefully someone with knowledge will chime in.

93 was a breakout year for Damoy.

Alan, was this due to anything specific? Have they been on the right track since 93?

don’t know specifics–just know that they underperformed prior and, suddenly, 93 was a great year and available pretty cheap. Maybe Burghound or another can opine on a winemaker change or something . . .

Reading from BH…it looks like Pierre took over the vineyards in 1992.

Oh…and I tasted the 05 Chambertin and I think this will be an incredible wine!

The '05 is really good. Has anyone had anything from '08 or '09?

Thanks for the note Don. Their 99 Beze is also very smart.
Best Regards