86 Mouton, Margaux and Pichon Comtesse Lalande, 1982 Cheval Blanc,1983 d'Yquem for trade or sale DFW

I’ve got several bottles of each of the following:

1986 Margaux
1986 Mouton Rothschild
1986 Pichon Comtesse Lalande
1983 d’Yquem

Primarily looking for trade, preferably locally, but also willing to consider sales or shipping.

Trade interest is primarily Napa cabs with at least a small amount of age (05-13ish) such as Hillside, Schrader, Cardinale, Lokoya, Hundred Acre, etc.

PM if interested.


Have lots of SHS, Realm, Kapcsandy, Dominus, RMB, Quilceda etc etc to trade. Anything in particular you want and how do you value them proportionally ? In WA state.

You should have an email from me by now. Sent yesterday.

Michael, and for anyone else that emailed, I just realized my email address in my profile was old, so none have been received.

I’ve since updated my email, which is msfrancis@flynnfrancis.com


I just sent a message directly to your email from my email address.

Several trades made, but still some bottles left.

e-mail sent…

Sent you an email.

Some trades made, all PMs and emails responded to.

Still some bottles of each left.