I had the wonderful opportunity last evening to add a wine to my all time top 10. As part of several ‘pre LP’ dinners, a most generous guest opened a mag of 52 RC. As others in the party were watching and holding their breath while the cork was gently removed in tact, there was a moment of silence while the generous donor took the first sip. After a few seconds…a vigorous YES!!! All applauded and pours went around. The aromatics from the get go was ethereal. Sous bois, spice, and wonderfully complex. On the palate, wonderful texture and sweetness and again complexity one can only get in a wine of this stature. Is was the first RC produced after the vines were ripped up in 45. This is what burgundy is all about. Now, let LP begin
Generous indeed!
use the Durand corkscrew and you won’t need to hold your breath removing old corks.
I’ve got to get one of those. The somm at Acquerello did a fine job however…
Sounds like a great dinner. That is a special wine. See you at the Auction.
this is the fourth post/text/email/call i’ve gotten from peeps drinking this wine last night. good news travels fast. nice work!
Just bought one this am after sitting with Don C at the auction.
Not a shabby night, no doubt…
5th dinner is tonight and tomorrow the Gala.
I now get why God rested on the 7th day as on day 5 I feel like I am about to collapse…
I can party like I did when I was in my 20’s, just can’t recover like I did in those days.
Very nice report.
I have never drunk this RC.
It is nice to see that a wine from vines of only 6 years can give such a great wine.
Drank the last two of these that Bern’s had. (So they tell me.) Greatest Burg of my life on both occasions.
Exactly right my friend…that’s what happens when you get older.
Funnily enough, the body accepts it long before the mind seems too…
Sounds like a great dinner.
This KILLS me that this is happening only an hour and a half away from me…I’m going to tell my wife I was kidnapped…and take off tonight…because I’m not going to able to take many more threads of wines like this!
…as I sip on my pathetic little Bourgogne… [suicide.gif]
Great dinner last night - great to see you Jamie! If I recall right Jamie – you’re a ‘74er also… Com’on man – I recover just fine ;op. Lots of super wines last night - lots of wines planned with dinner tonight :O) - lots of good wine tomorrow night - someone’s gotta do it :O). I’m taking notes so they should follow soon. CHEERS everyone - drink a nice burgundy tonight.
Since I missed last night, I can only assume you’re bringing a mag of '52 RC for tonight Roger?
I am so jealous! So I am drowning myself in Napa Premiere lot Cabs as a response.
I would love to try a DRC like that some day.
This thread makes me want to cry.
Awesome, Roger. I think I am going to get one of those corkscrews, too.
Sounds OK. Any notes on the other labels?
We probably have over a hundred wines to report. Once we get back to Tucson, we’ll try to
put it together. Off to the Gala dinner in a few minutes.