5/18 Sun Wah Table "Chave Table" (Table Full)

So, basically this will have a chave and northern rhone heavy theme I’m thinking, but I want to keep it open for southern rhones as well if there is that demand.

Me- 85 Chave Hermitage Rouge
Andrew Moldenhauer-86 Chave Hermitage Rouge
Chris Weaver-94 Chave Hermitage Rouge
James Leonard+1-83 Chave hermitage rouge+96 Blanc
Bill Buckelew-97 Chave Hermitage Rouge
Mark Fister-00 Chave Hermitage Rouge and Blanc
timmay-98 Chave hermitage rouge
Ben Van Guilder- 96 Chave hermitage rouge
Ward Russell-99 Chave hermitage rouge
Paul Bortin-


We have one more spot since James’ +1 won’t be drinking.

can I sit at 2 tables? newhere

I think this is actually the table with wines that do not suck. I’m bummed I can’t make it on Saturday…

no chave here, just jaboulet [cray.gif]

In. Looks like one seat open

FYI, looking at your list, Keith, and noting that James L is showing as +1, means you have 11 at this time.

Wow…another Chicago Chave-a-thon!

Robertito, you missed the part that said his +1 isn’t drinking. The tables can handle 11 and we will have 10 drinkers. Seems fine to me

Well, further proof that I am imperfect. What a surprise!


Given all the other vintages already claimed, I’ll go with a pair of 2000 - one blanc and one rouge

This will be the first table I raid! :slight_smile:

The line starts behind moi.

Coup d’état! [berserker.gif]

finally someone throws a blanc into this bitch. Thank you mister fister

I’ll contirbute an 01 blanc. Oops, I am not at this table. [tease.gif] [wink.gif]

there I go again. posting while drunk

It’s a feature, not a glitch.


switching back to my original btls: '83 rouge and '96 blanc.

Not that you guys aren’t worth it and all…I think I want a larger pour of the '90 especially for that kinda $