4x retail blues, perusing this winelist

Dinner Sunday night looking for a special white or sparkler on this wine list that won’t break my vacation budget. When Leflaive starts at $400 that makes it tough. Trying to keep it $300 or under.

Any suggestions?

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Bara Rose or
Luneau-Papin or
Ch. Musar


Egly grand cru
Gosset ay
Grand Siecle 25

White list has good wines but none around 300 look great. Raul Perez atalier, ferret pouilly-fuisse, others are good

Not an answer to the OP but what is going on with the Dujac prices

2019 CSD and CdlR $800
2019 Beaux Monts $2450

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I blame Fu and now he doesn’t even like it anymore.


Corkage is the obvious answer, $35 for the first bottle


Totally agree. Those prices are awful. I see some 6x retail bottles on there for lower priced wines.


I searched and couldn’t find mention of corkage until you pointed it out! Thanks!

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Yeah the 19 dujac grand crus and especially the 19 drc rsv are well priced.

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I thought I was spying some better deals, closer to 2x retail, than the rest of you. Then realized I was looking in the half bottle section… :man_facepalming:


The markup on that 2018 Dagueaneau Silex isn’t too bad.


the 2019 drc rsv is below retail pricing

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Not sure it fits your “special” criteria, but I’ve always enjoyed Leeuwins Margaret River Chard Art Series (Aus)- Much closer to an old world wine than a CA chard.


The 2013 Brundlmayer Riesling Lyra is rather interesting and for the age the price is not that awful.


The JJ Prum 2021 jumps out at me, Rat. Gimmonet too. Maybe the Paolo Bea Arboreous if your tastes slant that way. Otherwise, agreed, the list looks eek-spensive.

I was eyeballing that and the Cotat.

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pewsey vale contours riesling is typically something of a bargain, so should soften the blow of the markup (and comes in well under a 100 bucks on their list)

Leeuwin art series chard if you want a benchmark aussie chardonnay, and the price doesn’t feel daft

Foradori do great wines, but the markup feels especially harsh on these, so I’d steer clear on this occasion.

If reds also an option…

Selvapiana Bucerchiale another that’s generally good value, so $90 on this list feels like a decent option.

A shame they have the fancier puer apuliae, as Rivera’s more standard Il Falcone is usually great value (and frankly I’ve preferred it to the puer apuliae)

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Screw their mark up…‘pregame’ some wine before you go, order a cocktail while you are there, and then post-party with wine someplace else.

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Yeah, I’d probably go for that or the 2012 Hirsch Riesling Gaisberg. The Brundlmayer is a better deal. Hirsch might be more elegant vs. the bigger-boned Lyra.

Also agree with Leeuwin Art Series Chardonnay, if you like that kind of thing. Or Dagueneau Silex (I think this is more worthwhile than drinking the too-young Cotat).

Or you could get a half bottle of Krug and some of the delicious-sounding cocktails.

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Also, I see the very high markups on the less expensive wines, but a lot of the ones being mentioned here are priced pretty decently.