In spirit of that other thread, here’s what I have on deck for this year. Dates are tbd. Location is NYC.
All open to WBers. Added some links to priors so first timers can have a sense of mischief.
Some events will be smaller, some larger. If any of these call to you particularly, shot me a note. Otherwise, most will be posted in event planner.
Looking forward!
Big tastings ~ 40-60 folks
- There is a Riesling for Everyone
- Rose all day - TN: Rose Bash offline (nyc) - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers
Restaurant Take Overs
- Skin Contact 2.0 - bring your nattys! This was great last time, so will run it back: NYC: WB take over at Skin Contact: 12/16 - Event Planner - Online or Offline - WineBerserkers
- Chambers
- Noreetuh
Wine Specific
- Mourvèdre - Loved this, but think we open it up more broadly TN: Domaine Tempier offline (nyc) - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers
- Judgement of Paris - old world vs new world off on a given grape
- Sherry - someone else is already doing - Jay?
Region Specific
- Rhone - similar to this, but maybe without the artifice TN: Offline - NYC - Rhone tasting - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers
- Languedoc Roussillon
- Italy - @Joseph_Grassa to run
- Washington vs Oregon
- Loire
- Known Region & Unknown wine - (ex chassagne montrachet - rouge). @PeterB is doing this
- Jamet and things that rhyme
- CdC - Comtes de Champagne
- Roc de Cambes
- Wine gals - ever been to a wine event where it’s not majority guys? (Rachael and I hosting)
- QPRs - Bring (and spill) your bang for the buck secrets
- Raw - Group field trip / pre / post meetup for RAW wine festival
- Annual Baller Bubbles - See last year’s TN: NYC Offline Baller Bubbles - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers. Potentially will break this into two nights given last year’s damage
- Something also bubbles that is more chill
- Wine Maker Visit - seems like resting rate is hosting 1-2 wine-makers on their NYC fly-bys
- Horizontal of Laherte-Freresn
- Sake