2025 Events

In spirit of that other thread, here’s what I have on deck for this year. Dates are tbd. Location is NYC.

All open to WBers. Added some links to priors so first timers can have a sense of mischief.

Some events will be smaller, some larger. If any of these call to you particularly, shot me a note. Otherwise, most will be posted in event planner.

Looking forward!

Big tastings ~ 40-60 folks

Restaurant Take Overs

Wine Specific

Region Specific


  • Jamet and things that rhyme
  • CdC - Comtes de Champagne
  • Roc de Cambes


  • Wine gals - ever been to a wine event where it’s not majority guys? (Rachael and I hosting)
  • QPRs - Bring (and spill) your bang for the buck secrets
  • Raw - Group field trip / pre / post meetup for RAW wine festival
  • Annual Baller Bubbles - See last year’s TN: NYC Offline Baller Bubbles - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers. Potentially will break this into two nights given last year’s damage
  • Something also bubbles that is more chill
  • Wine Maker Visit - seems like resting rate is hosting 1-2 wine-makers on their NYC fly-bys
  • Horizontal of Laherte-Freresn
  • Sake

Red chassagne event would be amazing.


you know I’m here for these!

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Looking forward to all your events Gavin. They’re always a hoot!

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Gavin, love the ambition, I’ll be making a couple of these events. Would love to see what wine makers would come to NYC this year and of course more champagne!

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As I said before, I will probably be in NYC April 28th - May 4th. But will chime in on the thread here when tickets are booked etc.

For an idea, I’m big on Loire, Jura, and low-intervention in general. Would be stoked for something BYO.

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Will attempt to work some more Mondays in!

Even if there is white wine present?!

Always more Champagne. If you have any coming through that need space lmk

Nice. Looking forward to meeting you, Mads! Will look at slotting in Skin contact or Loire then.

As you know, I’m definitely up for multiple of these. In addition, how about an Alsace night?

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Depends. Will red also be there? :sweat_smile:

I mean, red dye just got banned…

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I wont report you if you fool me with dyed wine.

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But alas, Mega Purple didn’t

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Would love to attend some of these — esp. anything Loire or Sherry. Less my zone but also interested in Languedoc-Roussillon.

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Will make the final call at the end of February and let you know!

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