2024 Grape Growing and Weather Thread

A moderate spell of heat, nothing unusual or extreme. Warming up again this week. Might hit 90 in Santa Rosa a few times this month. Normal.

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Sonoma Coast. Purrington Rued Vineyard’s looking good. Berry development is coming along and vines look healthy! I’m no farmer but looks good and I’m happy for now!



Why bother? There’s so much going on in the vineyard now, it’s post bloom, crews doing tons of hand work…suckering, moving wires, training young vines etc. Oh well.

6/17 Update: Overnight the fire spread to over 1,000 acres and is now 20% contained. Earlier reports indicated Ferrari-Carano was in the path, but it appears the fire went due south (good news for FC).

Update: rate of spread has increased due to dry winds. CalFire reporting 500 acres now.

We have our first significant fire near Lake Sonoma. #PointFire
Rate of spread medium - about 200 acres/15% contained and burning toward Yoakim Bridge Road and West Dry Creek Road. Lots of air support - hoping they get this under control as Watch Duty is reporting there are structures close by.

Map from Watch Duty

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Fires earlier than usual - hopefully not predictive of the rest of the season.

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Weekly bump

It’s summer in California. Does everyone realize how many TV weatherpeople commit suicide over a california summer? The stress of coming up with new ways to describe “clear and sunny again today” is impossible to imagine.


-Actually, the thread is not limited to California

-“Clear and sunny” with heat spikes vs mild temperatures is an important distinction

-Fire threats are also important

Now in summertime Florida, “hot and humid” never varies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

A local winemaker started out as a home winemaker going back to his days in Florida where he made a pineapple wine.


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We had rain this morning in the RRV (or at least in the Green Valley AVA. No big deal. I would say the most distinctive feature of the season so far has been the lack of fog in the morning. Curious to see the effect on the fruit.

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Here comes the heat: early / persistent heat wave starting next week :frowning:

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More or less starting tomorrow, ramping up further on Tuesday and hovering there.


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Napa is now in the red flag warning also - ugh. 12% humidity, winds and high temperatures are never a good combo. Here’s the temp forecast for next 7 days:

Monday 93/58
Tuesday 103/60
Wednesday 100/59
Thursday 96/59
Friday 99/59
Saturday 98/60
Sunday 97/62

Hoping no one gets stupid and shoots off fireworks on the 4th.


NWS forecast for today here (E Ventura County) was 95, tomorrow 102. Actual temp a few minutes ago (130PM) is 83. Hope they are as wrong about tomorrow!

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We made it to 86F today (vs 98 forecast). Tomorrow the government calls for 104!

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Of course the forecast is not for every location in “E Ventura County”.

Do you really not understand that, or are you just trying to be cute?

Woke up this morning to see the Lake fire in Santa Barbara County grew to 4,000+ acres overnight. 0% containment.

Photo credit George Rose


Update: the calvary has arrived - air support at 9:50am


That is the point forecast of NWS: click a map location and it varies the forecast


We did reach 100, but the developing fruit looks fine with rare areas of sunburn. That said the govt is forecasting 99F again next week :sunglasses:

(FWIW some do find me cute, albeit obscure)


Cute is good. Those NWS point forecasts are reasonably accurate for the spots I monitor.