2019: The Mascot Offering

I’m curious to hear others’ thoughts on whether they are biting on the offer. I note that the asking price has increased to $135 per bottle, and with shipping and tax to the NoVA/DC area, my landed price for 6 bottles comes to $158+ per bottle.

If you’re voting “No,” I’d be curious to hear what else you’d purchase for that price (or less).

When do they do the new vintage release for their members? Around this time?

The offering hit my inbox about an hour ago - maybe higher-tier members got it earlier?

I sprang for a three-pack; IMO, the wines are good even at this price - shipping included.


I’m still on the fence, comes out close to the same as my Monte Bello futures…

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You must be a young man, Matt.

Already in my late 50s, I’m not buying Monte Bello futures. :grinning:

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Was shipping always included?


Shipping has never been included. :face_with_monocle:
It’s $64 for a 3 pack and another $57 to ship my magnum. :triumph:

Thats what i thought. I just read his comment wrong. Think I’m passing on this one.

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I stopped buying at $100/bottle after a handful of vintages. About 50/50 b/c of the price increase and to not have too much of one producer in the collection. Almost limitless options at that price range for Napa and surrounding area cabs.

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