2019 Fingers Crossed Boxset - 5 or 6 Bottles??

Random question for the buyers of the 2019 Fingers Crossed wines. Was there 5 or 6 bottles in your boxset? It’s supposed to be 6, correct? I had to go through All Ways Cool (no shipping to AZ) and when they broke down the box to ship to me…there were only 5 bottles (2 syrah, 2 grenache, 1 white).

I reached out to Nik to see what’s up but figured I’d ask here for an even quicker response.

Thanks in advance!

6 for 2019
5 for 2018

  1. Should be 3 Grenache.

Thanks guys - I thought it was supposed to be 6. So crazy - I’ve never had that happen before!

I’m sure Nik will work with me to figure it out :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

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Good thing you open your boxes in timely fashion

Right! Shipping with All Ways Cool is expensive enough already, and its CRAZY high if you include the box. Since I have no use for it anyway, it was a no-brainer to have them crack it open.

The box is really cool. One of the few that are worth keeping. Every year they are different.

Yep, they’re for sure really cool! I just don’t have a spot for em storage-wise, and couldn’t justify the additional shipping cost.