2017 Rivers Marie Cab release

Does Rivers Marie offer wish list?

I’m in for six pack.

Lore and Panek for me.

In for:
5 Napa
3 Panek
2 Lore

ordered 2 Napa, 2 Panek, 2 Lore

In for 1 each

In the past they may have but production was less than half normal this year. They did say there were some Panek and Lore mags available on request

Napa and Lore for me. I had a 2014 Napa this weekend that was singing!


I don’t even know how many. I just hit “Buy your full allocation” and ran with it.

These are lovely wines.

2 Lore, 2 Panek

I have cut back on so many mailers, largely due to moving to a home with a much smaller wine cellar + already having way too much wine, but I can’t pass on these cabs.

Order in, thanks Will

Went for 2 of each need to slow down.

Anybody else notice that in the release letter, their description for the Lore cab seemed to be describing one of their past Chardonnays?

That is a good one. I have a template that I copy & paste into. Looks like I missed this one (likely didn’t save the last update). The note on the website looks to be correct.

In for 1 of each earlier this morning. Just checked now it appears Lore might be sold out.

Correct, Lore all gone.

yep, Lore all gone.

You mean the Lore won’t have a lovely straw color?


When I read yellow fruit, I thought… damn must really be magical!