2014 Myriad -Open

Big mistake… just sayin’.

Only 2 main ones, Dan! But both have very good travel benefits! (And the one I use most closes on the 28th, hence my waiting to order.)

12C and 12CG3 open! Anyone in, or did RP’s scores scare some folks?! :astonished:

4 cab 1 twin

just sayin

6 Napa cab

Now considering adding 6 more Napa cabs…

These lasted into Nov/Dec and beyond in prior years so not in a hurry, although that was before the big RP scores last year. Looks like a 16% price increase for the Reserve along with a large drop in RP score to well below the Base Cab RP score. Almost seems like a misprint by RP. I may wait for your TNs to pull the trigger [wink.gif]. Interesting 12C is limiting the Base Cab to 2 bottles on the website but no limit on the Reserve. Couldn’t add more than 2 to my cart.

Offering is open to the first timers today. In for 2 NV cabs and 1 G3. Three twins is sold out, wish listed it.

How does this compare to Becklyn ?

Checked emails / my allocation on my iPhone as I was landing at SFO today. Hurried home to make my purchase only to find my allocations had all but dried up! Got 2 G III and put in a request for 2 Three Twins. Hmm…