2010 and 2011 bordeaux opening advice

One is Chateau Gueyrosse (2011) and the other Chateau Grand Bos, Graves (2010)
I read a couple people saying 13 years is good, to open now. Any advice on holding onto longer or doing soon?

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My guess is both wined are past their prime. Every wine is not meant to be aged . Open and try and hopefully you will be surprised


Iā€™d open and taste now. In terms of holding longer, do you have good storage conditions, i.e. 55 degrees and above 60% relative humidity? If so, they may hold for longer, but I would personally want to use that space for wines that are more likely to improve.

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I read elsewhere that it worked for 2023, so yes fingers crossed.


Gonna likely give one a go next weekend, thank you for the encouragement.

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