2008 Dauvissat Clos

Has anybody tried the 2008 Vaillons?


This bottle won’t see better days

Great night. Both bottles were perfect. Zero Pre-mox.


Both of those were beautiful wines.

Opened a 2006 Les Clos two weeks ago, thankfully it showed really well, big and concentrated wine, almost savory like, balanced with a moderate + minerality.

I seem to have better luck avoiding premox with the ‘weaker’ vintages in burgundy in general. I also have had way too many oxidized Dauvissat from 02, but never 06. Not sure why.

interesting observation. True re 1996 also. Seems like acidity and density aren’t protective.

Interesting thought that as previously pointed out, vintages with more phenolic material may be protected. 2003 and 2006 are some of my least favorite vintages, but may be the most protected.

Sipping the first glass of a Dauvissat Clos 2007 that I just opened. No sign of premox, just amazingly fresh and sharp. Will surely improve over the next hours and maybe even be better tomorrow for lunch.