2007 Produttori Barbaresco

Italian wine afficianados, please share your thoughts on aging these Barbarescos. I have a few Rabaja, Montestefano and Rio Sordo. I have read Mr. Galloni’s recommendations. What are your opinions?

Just had the '07 and '08 Rabaja Friday at Produttori. Aldo Vaca likes the '07s but confesses to feeling that it was all too easy and perfect “like fake boobs.”. The '07 was sexy and stunning and the '08 was massive, dense and incredible but built for the long term. I finally tasted the '07 normale as well and it’s shocking how good it tastes right now. Aldo says 8 years from vintage is normally a good time to start drinking the wines but that maybe '07 woud be 6 years or even less. I would have every confidence oi that advice and feeling free to go far longer than that as well.

Hard to argue with info straight from the horse’s mouth. I might have said 8-10 years, but as I noted in another thread, I’ve been enjoying 2005’s recently with pleasure. the Rio Sordo might be the one to enjoy earlier and let the other two rest a little longer.

Jim and John, thanks for the sage guidance. I’ll try out a Rio Sordo some time in the near future.

If you love traditional Nebbiolo and aren’t so rich that you can stock all you need from Giacosa, G. Conterno, the 2 Mascarellos, and Cappellano, then you need to be buying these wines. The riserveras are still consistently in the neighborhood of $50. Nothing of equal quality is anywhere near that in price. You may need to drink your 2007’s ahead of your 01’s and 04’s, but that won’t be too painful.

As more of an every day type wine, the 2010 Produttori Langhe has nice, pure Nebbiolo fruit and can be found below $20 a bottle. I think is from young vines and sees no wood.


Speaking of the 2004 Produttori Barbaresco, I opened one last weekend along with a 2001 Pio Cesare Ornato with some BBQ. The barolo was pretty enjoyable after 3-4 hours of slow ox and then with a lot of swirling. Some great floral, dark fruit and spice aromas coming from the glass at the end of the night. The barbaresco was okay but got really good days 3 and 4. I’m not even sure when to open the next bottle.