2007 Coche-Dury Bourgogne Blanc

Pale straw in color, notes of green apples and lemon. Elegant and balanced. Citrus and stone zips through the finish. Very lean, tart and acidic. Not so impressive for my first Coche. Maybe I opened this too soon?

Was this the Bourgogne or Bourgogne-Aligote? The latter is somewhat of a controversial wine, which I like.

Roger, I’ve never heard/read that the Bourgogne-Aligote is controversial—how come? I’ve had the 05 and 09 vintages and thought they were both excellent. I also recently had a bottle of the 2009 Bourgogne Blanc and thought that was excellent too. To be honest I haven’t met a Coche I didn’t like yet, and I’ve only tasted his ‘lesser’ wines.

This was the Bourgogne NOT the Aligote.

Controversial, in that it has a HUGE amount of sulfur on the nose. Intense matchstick, that turns off many and eventually, it will dissipate if exposed to air long enough (I have one open in the fridge as we speak that has been open 2 days). I myself, like the wine and recently added to my stash. I think this quality is not ‘usual’ for this wine and is specific to the 07 vintage.

This wine is the only Coche wine I haven’t finished. We had a bottle (well half a bottle actually) a few years back at Le Conty and it was very lean, sour and too hard work.

Thanks for the feedback Jeremy.

Roger…you thinking of the '07 LEROY Aligote? [scratch.gif]

Oops! Sorry guys! You are correct Buzz. Don’t know what I was thinking ! blush I guess because the LEROY smelled so much like Coche