2006 Tuscany now seems controversial...thoughts?

Decanter has said that the Chianti is overrated and there is that Kerin O’keefe claim about the over ripeness and hyper-acidity of the Brunellos. I’ve tried maybe 30 wines from these areas and am ambivalent. Any recent thoughts?

Decanter? I don’t think they’ve been very right about wine generalisations for a loooong time.
If they said this about 06, what is their opinion of 09?

Chianti thinks Decanter is overrated

Very good.

Reminds me of graffiti I once saw:

‘God is dead.’ - Nietsche

‘Nietsche is dead.’ - God

I’m pretty sensitive to over ripeness, sweetness, alcohol heat, etc. I picked up all those characteristics on many 2007 and 2009 Tuscans but not 2006’s.

In fact, I opened up a 2006 Felsina Fontalloro tonight. Gorgeous, balanced, cool bottle of sangio.

Nice !!!

Decanter is corked … !!!

I know Kerin used to write for Decanter but is now at Wine Enthusiast. Was she the one who said chianti is overrated too? I don’t think she cares for the ripe vintages.

Haven’t cracked many '06’s yet. The few Chiantis I’ve tried were excellent, but very young and in need of further aging.

interesting topic - I have also had some ups and down with 06 Tuscany both Chianti and Brunello and my thoughts are somewhat mixed - I feel like some wines have had a bit too much but on the other hand some have had great balance but all have been too young to really make a final statement - I think the vintages suffers a bit from the greatness of 04’s and the drinkability right now of the 05’s!

Paul, out of curiosity, virtually all of your posts to date, possibly all, relate to Brunello and/or Kerin O’Keefe, and your posts, quite thorough and detailed, read almost like articles or book reviews. (I would not be heard to complain about THAT, of course!) Do you have a personal or professional connection to the region, the author, or both, or are you merely passionate about Brunello?

Many great wines made in 2006. From basic Chianti all the way up to Brunello Riservas.


…or my favourite Italian quip from the late ‘80s: "Dio e’ morto, Nietzsche e’ morto, e anch’io non mi sento tanto bene" :slight_smile:

Anch’io. Un po’ di vino aiuta.

I thought Belfrage’s book was fine if you were a beginner just starting to look into Tuscany. I found it somewhat disappointing (and quite frankly haven’t picked it up in well over a year) because he didn’t really get into any depth in discussing producers - I have always been a big fan of Sheldon Wasserman’s original work on Italy, and I keep waiting/hoping that someone will try to succeed to that mantle. [cheers.gif]

Chris, some details would help. Where does Decanter say this?

No, but I did read “Brunello to Zibibbo”. I will confess to the bias of favoring Piemontese wines over Tuscan, but I do like a little Brunello and Chianti in the mix…

2006 is and will be great. As for the 2009 Brunello, I’ll reserve my opinion after Benvenuto Brunello & the slew of press/ trade tastings coming over the next few months. I love the 2009s I’ve had, generally, from other areas.

I think this topic very well demonstrate the difficulty of generalising about an area as large and diverse as Montalcino. If you look at 20 top producers in Montalcino and you look at the 06 and 07 vintages, some will have produced better 06 vs 07’s and for some it will be the other way around. Remenber there are atleast four different microclimates in Montalcino, and the terroir and climate is vastly different in the hilly and cooler north, than it is in the warmer southeast part of the appellation. This shines through in the final wine produced in each micro area. Also there is stylistic preference, where the 07 brunello are often more ripe than their 06 counterpart. So declaring one vintage as superior to the other is somewhat elusive of the point. Both are quality vintages imo. What i have experienced is, that many 07 drinks wonderfully already now, but i do think they also possess enough backbone to age graciously. The 06’s i believe often require more time and will hit their stride in 2016 and onwards. I have bought a bit more 07 than 06, as i have tasted a lot of 07 brunello which i really like. Antonio Galloni often says that in Montalcino choose producer first and vintage second, and i wholeheartedly agree with his point of view.

Felsina shines in 2006.

Not a Chianti but as the topic says 2006 Tuscany I can tell you that I had a bottle of 2006 Masseto (drank it alone over the course of the evening, no decanting) and I would put it whinin my top ten (red) wines EVER…even above every Petrus I had so far.