After the Cherry Red a few days ago, I was impressed enough that I wanted to try a Rhone-styled LC. So tonight I pulled the 2006 Rising Tides. This is equal parts Grenache and Syrah, with some other components at very low levels. In any case, my infatuation with Linne Calodo was in doubt during the first glass upon opening. I thought the wine was a one-dimensional, Grenache-dominated fruit drink. So I left it alone for a while. After two hours, the Syrah component kicked in and the wine became very interesting, with lots of grilled meat and charcoal to go with the red fruit that was present at the outset. Again, I found it amazing that the wine could be so seamless and balanced, and so light on the palate, at such a high (15.9%) alcohol level, especially with the huge flavor profile.
Maybe Aussie winemakers should take classes from Matt Trevisan.