2005 R. Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia 'Vina Gravonia' Crianza Blanco, Rioja

Smells like Raid, tastes like nothing.

Are you being charitable, or do you have a cold and your senses are off?

There’s often a madeira-like scent and some other funky stuff at first that blows off. These wines need a lot of air and/or decanting.

I bought some Gravonia 2005 at the domain in 2015.

A good wine, quite immediate, with scents of lemon and resin.

The Gravonia’s are not for everyone. How many whites are out there that get 4 years in neutral oak? It also desperately needs to be served with seafood.

I like Lopez de Heredia whites and reds (both tastes and prices).
The Tondonia blanco Reserva 2000 I bought at the same time is fine.
And the Tondonia Gran Reserva 1973 I tasted at the domain (in 2015) still had an amazing youth.

I’m, a big fan of these wines. This vintage, too, to be specific.
Michael-no fan of the style, or bad bottle?

Agree with both of the above – I loaded up on the Tondonio Blanco Reserva 2000, and am very happy I did so.

As far as LDH’s crianza bottlings go, I don’t really enjoy the LDH Crianza reds very much and have stopped purchasing them in favor of the Reservas. The Crianza whites I find to be delicious though. I haven’t tried the 2005 but the 2006 Gravonia Blanco is really good. I hope the word “Raid” doesn’t hang around the ether next time I open a bottle… :slight_smile:

Gravonia 2004 is fine.

Tondonia blanco GR 1981 (tasted in 2012) and GR blanco 1991 (tasted in 2013) are excellent/great.

I’ve have a couple of vintages and I’ve notice that they don’t show much fruit on the palate. Is this just me? or is that the style?

This was my first time having this wine of any vintage, so I had no preconceptions. The bug spray nose was the only aroma apparent and was accentuated with swirling. On he palate, the only thing that came to mind was diluted lemon water. After about a half hour in the glass, the bug spray started to disapate, and a weak sherry smell was noticeable. The palate did not bloom even after an hour in the glass and continued to taste like diluted lemon water with a mild sherry component. The rest of the bottle was poured down the drain.

Sounds like a flawed bottle of some kind. Diluted lemon water just doesn’t match the richer, nuttier qualities I’ve gotten from this bottling time and again. Sorry you seem to have gotten a bum bottle.

Clearly a bad bottle. There’s plenty that one might not like about this wine, but it’s nothing if not expressive.

If you’re looking for fruit, you came to the wrong place. Wines that have been in wood for 10 years generally don’t show a lot of fruit.

I love these wines for their nuttiness and the mature oak and other aromas, plus the acid that holds it altogether.

It’s pretty damn perfect with roasted chicken and root vegetables, too! flirtysmile

Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong or having bad bottles. The big impression I was left with was clear acid in the front and an almond-like finish.

Doesn’t sound like this was a bad bottle, imo. I think Michael just doesn’t like the style.

Hi Brian
Yes, I also reckon that might be the case (though none of us can say for sure).

HI Michael
Did you drink it with or without food? With robust food - and I would skip delicate fish dishes for something of more strident flavour - these wines can be sublime, but if drinking on their own, can be challenging / uncomfortable.


Definitely iconoclastic wines that some people may find weird.

I had a bottle of this at a restaurant one day and shared a glass with a guy at the next table when he asked me about it. He made a face and looked at me as if I were nuts.

I enjoyed it. But yeah, not for everyone.