2003 Fourrier help-advice

I have no experience with this well regarded producer in the erratic '03 vintage. Any thoughts would be great.

3 bottles of Clos Solon a year or two back were undrinkably bretty. My only experience w/ 03 Fourrier.

When I last had the Clos Solon and Gevrey VV from half bottles they were both very reduced indeed, they have probably sorted themselves out now. The Combe Aux Moines is a great wine.

Here’s a roundup of my results. Both the Combe and CSJ were pretty badly reduced near the end of 2008. I had another CSJ two weeks ago (notes to follow as soon as I get around to it) which was okay upon popping and singing after six hours of slow-ox. The Gevrey VV has always been weird in a 2003 kind of way, like a young Cru Beaujolais with just a little more structure. Lastly, the Griotte-Chambertin was an absolute delight starting about a year and a half ago. It has always been full throttle Bourgogne, yet it clearly spoke of its origins at every occasion. There are notes from several bottles here and back on Ebob. The last one I tasted from in May/June, was the first to show slight notes of sur-maturité, but that might just be a phase.