20-year Tawny ports

Over the holidays I’ve had the Grahams, Taylor, Sandeman and Fonseca. They are all fairly similar wines, but, man, are they good. Any thoughts, or other recs?

I am young in my Tawny Port experience, but I would also have to recommend the Warre’s Otima, Cabral, and Royal Oporto 20 year old Tawnys as well. You’ve hit upon two of the others I like already, the Graham and the Taylor Fladgate.

If you want something that’s different, try:

Yalumba Museum 21 year old Antique Tawny
Dutschke The 22 year old Tawny

In blind tastings I have done on this category, I have liked the Sandeman 20 year best 3 out 3 times. One of the tastings was done in black glasses so we could not see color.

Ferreira’s Duque de Braganca is, in my mind, the best 20 year old. Portal and Niepoort also make nice ones.

The Sandeman is the one we have open now, and it is really nice - probably a bit more ruby, and less tawny thatn the others, but really nice.

The Ramos Pinto 20yr old ‘Quinta do Bom Retiro’ is my go-to for a ‘different’ style. It’s got a pinkish/salmon hue to it and is not nearly as carmelized as the other ones you mention, and due to that shows a bit more red fruit. It’s great stuff and worth a try.

Huh, I thought it was lighter in color, less red wine-ish and more towards a sherry than the others I had tasted it against, but that was a while ago.

Eric is absolutely right, Ferreira’s Duque de Braganca is the best 20-year. If you like the flavor profile but want a little more acidity, try Blandy’s 5-year old Malmsey.

Never had the Ferreira’s Duque de Braganca. I’ll look for it. I do like the Blandy’s 10 year Malmsey. To me, the 5 year didn’t get there.

Sandemann ,Otima,Ramos Pinto. Also good is Cockburns 20y(more red) ,for me.


my favorite by a mile.

Has anybody tried the New York Malmsey Special Reserve? (NV, made by Vinhos Barbeito).

Yalumba Museum Muscat is also very good. I haven’t had much Port, but I think the YMM is much heavier, a real sticky but somehow not cloying at all.

Many people divide 20 yo tawnys into two groups, the Portuguese style and the British style. The Portuguese shows a bit more red and fruit but it is, in reality, a continuum. Some lean more to one end than the other.

The Rare Wine Company New York Malmsey made by Barbieto is very nice and an excellent value. I slightly prefer the Boston Bual. The Broadbent 10 year old Malmsey is another good value, very nice, sweeter Madeira.

Never did a side by side, but I love the Duque!

Not to mention they gave me a boat ride up the Douro river as part of my visit to the winery.

These are al 2010 bottlings, if that matters. Yes, the Sandeman seems a bit redder than the others - great, though.

Mine also. You have excellent taste. [cheers.gif]