1997 Fourrier Gevrey VV

Mature color. Expressive scents of damp soil, red cherries, meat, smoke and a touch of violets. Medium bodied and concentrated, with flavors of sweet cherries and strawberries that coat the palate. The taste of cherries linger on the back end. Smooth textured and fully resolved. This has turned into a beauty, and provides lots of pleasure. This needed an hour in a decanter before displaying its charms.

nice note Peter

Question, Peter - does it show much Gevrey character? I ask because I had a bottle of 2013 not too long ago, and while an elegant, silky, very well-crafted wine, I couldn’t really tell where it was from. Which in my book, defeats the point of buying a village wine vs a bourgogne. Especially when that village wine is priced like a Fourrier.

Lovely, expressive tasting note

I have one bottle left of the 97 Fourrier Griotte that I am hopefully going to get to soon

This bottle displayed the earthy and meaty characteristics that I find in Gevrey. Fourrier’s Gevrey lineup shows either red or dark cherries, and sometimes both. Perhaps the 2013 you referenced was too young to show its Gevrey character. I do find, however, that when a wine has sufficient age (Fourrier included), its character emerges.

I drank this in France a few years back, and it was an utterly delicious wine. Long finish on this one. Enjoy!

Thanks for the data, and it’s entirely possible. This has been my only experience with Fourrier so far, and as a result I’ve been skeptical of the Domaine’s sharp pricing versus its peers (like HN or Jouan, whose wines definitely show village character even when young). That said, I’ll see if I can track down a village wine with some age.

Sounds great. '97 is was a hot year and I remember it being written off at the time. It’s interesting how a number of the wines over the years have been truly delicious.