1954 birth year suggestions

Looking for wines from 1954 that would be still very much alive and well. This is for a birthday dinner that I want to bring. [help.gif] [thankyou.gif]

'54 Rioja is still solid and might be more findable than other options.

Tondonia and Bosconia are both glorious wines. Viña Real is special too. I wouldn’t stray further although I’ve never had the Ygay.

Very much alive and well on something almost 70 years old? Port? 1st growth Bordeaux. Hard to say.

I would have a solid back up wine to serve with it.

The '54 Ygay is certainly worth it.

i’m saddled with that birth year. Madeira is about the only other thought that I have.

1954 Fontanafredda Barbaresco was singing 2 years ago…good year in Piedmont


I’ve had the 1954 Cantina Mascarello Barolo Riserva Cannubi a few times. Seriously good!

I would keep my eye out for a bottle of Banyuls as older vintages do come up from time to time and are not that expensive. They can live for ages.

It’s a pretty atrocious Burgundy vintage, but I wanted to serve a Burgundy to one of my favorite winemakers in France who came for lunch and who was born in that vintage. I went with a 1954 Michel Gaunoux Pommard Rugiens, and it ended up being brilliant! To the extent that it was the Burgundy of the lunch. They are always a solid bed in “off vintages”, as they sold in bulk anything they didn’t like (the entire 1980 vintage, for example), but the extent to which it out-performed nonetheless astonished me.

'54 Cune gran riserva is fabulous! I found a case in Berns cellar they didn’t know they had. I got to drink a few bottles.

Henriques & Henriques Bual Madeira.