1937 La Tâche, en magnum

No, I don’t have a TN and I haven’t tasted the wine, but I did a search and didn’t see this story already posted.

This morning I was listening to the episode of the always excellent I’ll Drink to That podcast in which Levi interviews Jacque Seysses. He talked about how his father was a gourmand who always partook of the best food and wine he could afford (he was also a shareholder in the Domaine de la Pousse d’Or, but not otherwise in the wine business), and about how his father took him to La Tour d’Argent for the first time when Jacques was seven years old! (Jacques was born in 1941).

In any event, Jacques and his father were at La Tour d’Argent one time in the 1950s and had a magnum of 1937 La Tâche. It was, Jacques noted, remarkably light in color, basically “dark pink” rather than red. But his father loved the wine. So he called over (I didn’t get the name but Jacques provided it) and asked how many more mags of the wine were in the cellar. When the answer came back “10 or 12,” Dad asked if they’d set them all aside for him, which they did, and he drank them all over the next so many years, some with Jacques and some without.

[swoon.gif] Amazing.

Can ‘t speak for the La Tache, but I found a 1937 Clos Lambrays 1937 and it was among the greatest wines I have ever tasted. Unfortunately I brought it to a La Paulee, so did not get to taste more than a small glass.

Wonderful account of days gone by!

An experience, and guest appreciation, which probably would not be duplicated today!

This passion reminds me of Karl and Francois!

And here I thought this would be a thread about an obvious fake. Cynical me!