05 Pegau Chateauneuf du Pape

This is just a brief note to say this stuff is coming around.
Shedding the tannin. The wine appears rounder now for some reason. Less clipped on the finish.
More giving in the fruit area.
The wine is focused and giving lots of pepper and gorgeous dark fruit along with plenty of spice.
I really like this and glad I bought more than a few.

Thanks, Don, I have a few of these and will get one ready to go.

Thanks for the TN. I’ve drank these over the 2 to 4 years span since release and wondered if they were ever going to close down or get better, and still managed to (hesitantly) store away at the offsite my few remainders.

Thanks Don–I have one bottle remaining.
Has anyone tried the '04 lately?

The 04 is much more open - and ready to go (if you like it on the younger side), great pleasure on the table.
If you have 2004 I wouldn´t open the 05 for another 2-4 years … it is softer than 5 years ago, but still with a tannic edge … will still improve!

Does anyone have experience with the 07? According to Cellar Tracker a lot of people are saying it’s in a very good place at the moment. Seems young to me.

Enjoyed a Pegau vertical with Loren Sonkin and friends two months ago:

. Round bouquet fleshed out with beautifully ripe cherry and strawberry values. Sweet yet fine fruit throughout. Quite intense flavor. Acidity and firm tannin balance a classic, slightly closed grenache finish. Quite long. 93

. Deep ruby, some garnet → light ruby, some orange.
. Fully mature, classic bouquet with good richness and sweet-leafy complexity. Scent of toasted walnuts. Moderately full. Intense, slightly lean flavor padded with fruit.
. At its destination. 91

. Fresh yet fairly open and round. Complex berry aromas with allspice and light brett nuances. Quite intense, yet easygoing palate. Very sweet, classy fruit subtly balanced by acidity and tannin. Expands slightly and finishes quite long. 94

The 2004 was my slightly positive surprise of the night, the 2005 my slightly negative one, being so mature (from comments above, perhaps not a representative bottle). The 2007 was my WOTN, also more forward than I expected (though the vintage seems to be coming around fast for a “great” one – let’s not go there – and I am starting to drink them, including a very tender and lovely Vieux Donjon last month).

BTW, Loren ranked these wines in the same order. Otherwise his notes are cr@p [wink.gif]

Just kidding my friend.

Sure the 2007 Pegau is “drinkable” now, even enjoyable …

However it is easy to underestimate a wine so young

( the vintage seems to be coming around fast )<< [scratch.gif]

… this wine will rival the 1981 in 20-25 years … it has the potential for 96-97 points IMHO, but only if one gives it time to develope …

The 2004 is much closer to maturity …

Many thanks!

BTW: if one wants to drink a younger Pegau … 2008 is very good now !
(but will still be fine in 2024 - so no hurry either)

In your experience, Gerhard, is there a closed period for these wines or just a long, gentle evolution? The reason I ask is I may well pick up 1-2 bottles of the Pegau 2007 with an eye to opening one this winter and saving the other for the future.

It depends on the vintage.
E.g. 2005 is still a bit closed, and 2010 will be (if it isn´t already), but vintages like 2000 were always open and enjoyable, sure initially very primary.

I think 2007 is not yet closed, and I´m not sure if it ever will …

I´m curious if 2012 will shut down someday, my guess is “yes, a bit” in a few years …

Going to taste the 2015s out of cask soon … [cheers.gif]

looking forward to your report.