
According to the web site, Carlisle will be sending out the Summer pre-release this week. I’ve not cracked any of the '11 wines yet, but Mike has been very enthusiastic about the wines from what many have called a difficult vintage. Any insight into this release?

What the…?
That usually comes out in August. I budget for that in August and a June release screws me. Crap.

June 26 on the website.

+1 i just bought some Siduri, Oakville Ranch, Auction wines and a few others in the last 2 days thinking I would have some time before the next wave of lists came out hitsfan

Maybe they changed the date because of their early August move to their new facility.

Historically the summer pre-release has gone out in mid-July. We bumped it up a couple of weeks because as Bud correctly guessed, August is going to be nuts with the move to the new winery. However, something has come up in the last couple of weeks which may delay the offer by a few days. We hope it will be resolved today but it’s somewhat out of our hands. As always, I will keep the home page of our website up to date with any changes to the offer date.

Always an offer to anticipate. Had non-geek family and friends over the past 2 weeks and all had a bunch of wine during their CA visits. For one group I poured the 09 Dry Creek Zin and for the other the 09 DC Syrah. Both sets of guests freaking gushed over the wines.

This is our house wine, time to stock up!

Things Todd doesn’t say.

Crossing my fingers that this is the release I get off the waiting list :slight_smile:

Based on some of the wines that are discussed and written about on this board, Mike deserves a shout out for making and keep his wines sanely priced for a very long time now.

Mike, bring us some new releases, I am ready partner.

Looking forward to this release. Does anyone know which wines will be available?

Yes and get me on the list please

Thank good golly that my credit cards are safe as houses! Still no list love, but fingers remain crossed.

Website indicates 07/01/13 now.

Got to try one of the '11 Dry Creek Zin a few weeks ago (thanks Joe)…young but great. Signed up 4/10, and hoping for an offer this year :slight_smile:

Thank God…gives me time to get that asbestos credit card ordered.

Made the list this year…sweet champagne.gif

Dear Mr. Officer,

It’s like Christmas in June!



I have so much '09, '10, and the first batch of '11 that I am going small on this order. I’ll never drink it all!