To paraphrase Mr. French from The Departed...

Travis Scott said: “Only metric that matters here for “who gets to decide” is number of bottles sold to wine collectors who yap on the internet about the wine they collect.”

Ever visit Wine Disorder (formerly Wine Therapy)? There’s a bunch of wine collectors yapping on the net about their wines and they have COMPLETELY different ideas about wine than most folks here…

No, but I’d be willing to bet a four-pack of myx fusions that self-selection bias is still the answer.

The Departed is a great movie to watch in the way that American Hustle is a great movie to watch. There is phenomenal acting, there are great individual scenes (highly remember-able and quotable), the style within the movies is great, the scores add tons to the mood and are incredibly well selected and…neither one of the movies necessarily stands up to tons of well placed criticism because there are logic gaps and plot holes abounding in both films. You could probably say the same thing (in a totally different context) about Guardians of the Galaxy (loved it) however superhero sci-fi usually doesn’t portend to sense making or logical progressions.

Not sure how this relates to wine. Eh, I have had wine with excellent elements and found the wine to be less than the sum of its parts. When I experience a wine like that I call it…Cabernet Sauvignon.

JIm, the wine related aspect is “Who is the wine version of Mr. French who gets to decide what can be criticized and what can’t be?”

Since RPjr’s first claim to fame was ignoring fame and historical reputation, this seems particularly interesting to me…

You are not a jerk for saying so, except that maybe you could have actually used some flavor descriptors to better convey how much you detest the wine. You are only a jerk if you say, “John/Jay/Steve/David/Yaacov/Toddster/Joe/Bob/Professor, you are a F*in A-Hole because you like that bilge water and the only wine you must like is made from raw sewage culled from the gutters of a third world country.”

Besides, everyone makes fun of The Dooker, so that doesn’t count.

Can we all please agree that it is J-Zee!!??

Like any luxury item, there is a lot of fashion in wine. Things go in and out of fashion all the time- (i.e. Caymus, Quilceda Creek, Dooker, etc). Mocking someone drinking purple drank is simply the same as mocking someone who wears white after labor day, or Ed Hardy shirts.

It would be good if people remembered that this is a pretty broad audience and while there are some broader cliques of fashion, not everyone is in the same clique and people are often naturally defensive when told they look like assholes in that Ed Hardy shirt (when they still have a closet full of them).

Not to be confused with:

From The Wu-Tang Clan. Pronounced “Jizza”. Also known as “The Genius”. (Don’t make me post the “History of Hip-Hop” sketch again.)

Oh no, I understood that perfectly. My reference about not understanding how “this” relates to wine was about my own ramblings.

This just isn’t fair, of course we can make fun of people who wear Ed hardy shirts, they probably have the fancy scroll on they’re jean pockets while drinking pink moscato, please don’t take this away from me.

Can I close the circle by reminding people about Ed Hardy Wine?

Can I also point out I don’t need some vinous Mr. French to laugh at them?

When people trash wines I enjoy, I figure I can either give those comments power by reacting to them, tell myself a story that I’ve somehow been diminished and make some futile effort to get some guy to stop ---- or ---- I can say to myself, “me and this guy see things differently…oh, well…”

If the guy says people who like the wine I enjoy are_______fill in whatever insulting phrase you like. I still see it as the same exercise. He and I have different opinions about the type of person who likes this wine.

So, there’s a guy somewhere on the Internet who thinks I’m worthy of contempt because of my taste in wine.

I can live with that.

If I trash someone else’s wine and make some equally silly conjecture about people who enjoy it, I figure the other guy can do the same thing I do.

Im hard pressed to sympathize with anyone who is losing sleep over what someone or someone and his friends on the Internet think about him based on the wine he drinks, car he drives, music he likes, etc.

I find it curious that we have so many of these threads talking about people’s behavior.

Regarding the SQN thread, IMO, the most troubling thing was not the insults, it was the poor logic that was used to support the thesis. But, to me, the sheer volume of poor logic going back and forth was so thick, I didn’t think it was worth wading into. I figured if I stepped in it, I might just sink. Or, at least lose a shoe.

Exactly. Commented elsewhere that the “dishonesty” “proof” for critics who score both wines high — which turned out to be the crux of that meandering article — was absolute drivel.

It was better - and at 33% less running time, much tighter - four years prior, when it was called (in translation) Infernal Affairs, and starred Andy Lau and Tony Leung.