To paraphrase Mr. French from The Departed...

Sure. Why not? What could possibly go wrong?

And another thing that I want to point out is that with someone like Rivetti, he is a lot more accessible. Like his wine or not, and I don’t like all of them, if you are in Piedmont you can get to see him fairly easily. A phone call or email probably gets you with him and a tour of the winery and vineyards. Try sending an email to “JZ” and see if he meets you down to the studio to hear his “barrel samples”. Rivetti did a dinner with me about a year ago and 12 quests. And I had purchased almost zero of his wines at that point.

But my real question is “who decides?”


Interesting to think about, but I don’t think the specific question really works here. Unless the answer is “Todd.”

There’s no survival-of-the-fittest dynamic at play in internet discussions. It’s not a bar. People spouting weak logic and nonsense can take a jero of Louis XIII upside the head, get dragged out back, shot 13 times, carved up, erased in a vat of acid, and then keep spouting the same weak logic and nonsense in the very next post.

Now, if we’re asking in a generic zeitgeist sense — like why “the internet” pushes back on Wine A more vocally than on Wine B — I think self-selection bias is determinant.

I’d guess there are simply far more people who collect and bloviate about SQN and DRC, than there are who collect and bloviate about the other three wines you mention in your OP.

I’d guess the other three are most likely to be drunk soon or immediately after purchase, in nonacademic settings, with few if any impressions written down for posterity.

In fact, a quick flip through CellarTracker would seem to support my guess.

DRC : 3,303 Tasting Notes ; 77,727 Total Bottles.

SQN : 4,819 Tasting Notes ; 80,405 Total Bottles.

Armand de Brignac : 49 Tasting Notes ; 694 Total Bottles.

Wild Vines Blackberry Merlot : 3 Tasting Notes; 43 Total Bottles.

myx fusions (Nicki Minaj’s Moscato) : 0 Tasting Notes ; 1 Total Bottles.

Even your rhinoceros wine is up there at 2,483 ; 21,920.

There you go, by every metric SQN wins. Game over, man.

I was really hoping for more funny stories in the Armand de Brignac notes on CT. Oh well.

Not if, when I tell you to bury 'em in the marsh, you bury ‘em in the f’in’ marsh!

Thanks Roberto
Brilliant movie
We have allways envied the US abiities to make movies, music, books, theatre…
But wines…meeeeh
All winemakers still seek to copy european wines…
For good reasons

Um…which Euro wine is Meoimi Pinot modeled after…Banyuls?




And yet it is VERY possible that MYX Fusions outsold SQN last year.

I had TWO consumers pissed off that we didn’t sell “Pink Moscato” (brand not indicated) yesterday…

I witnessed a young man carrying a bottle of orange Cîroc asking a Binny’s associate for Barefoot Pink Moscato last week.

Haha. Nice try Roberto. I was talking about wine

Which is EXACTLY my point: who gets to decide that Meoimi is NOT Wine or, at least, is a wine we can all laugh at?

We do. Meoimi is just…?Who gives a f…
You have to admit the movie was phenomenal and Meoimi is probably not


And The Departed is overrated, as are most of Scorsese’s movies.

Never saw the departed, but loved the scene.Thanks Roberto

Already told you, self-selection bias.

myx fusions can be the best-selling brand on the planet. Doesn’t matter. Only metric that matters here for “who gets to decide” is number of bottles sold to wine collectors who yap on the internet about the wine they collect.

Want to test this yourself? Join a Nicki Minaj fansite and start a thread about how you can’t put La Spinetta in your mouth. See if you get the same feedback.