Swiss Fondue Night - SF Peninsula - Reschedule for January

Sorry folks but the head count wasn’t there and understandable given the season.

So instead, I have ordered a couple ounces of white truffles. Chiara & I will just settle for some eggs and veal tartare! :slight_smile:

Will post a date for sometime around mid-January when everyone will be ready to fall of the wagon again. Happy holidays everyone!!!

Anybody up for just meeting in SF on Thursday night for a mini off-line?

I can’t, but you may not get too many non-SF residents. If the storm that’s predicted for Thursday turns out to be just that, folks may just want to hunker down for the evening.

Doesn’t look like a good day/night to be on the roads. I’ll have to pass.

Thanks for the heads up on the storm.

But, hey…as long as we’re talking, I wonder…

How come nobody ever hunkers up?

Why always down?

Anyone ever hunker around?

Is it worth trying?

First good laugh all day.

I hunker for Fondue

January…my truffle guy tells me they will be around still in mid Jan. So perhaps an all cheese night…a fondue followed by some more cheeses with shaved white truffles??? Just a suggestion.

I am in depending on the dates. Will be commuting from Novato. Joe, wanna carpool?


Trying to figure out how to work in the truffle risotto, which was the best dish all night. Chiara knocked me out with that one! A little truffle goes a long way! Besides, Cab and risotto is not so bad.

I’m sure Merrill wouldn’t mind having a couple hunks around. [snort.gif]

Sounds very possible Vamsi!

My, we are certainly having fun this week, aren’t we? Good thing the Offline Planner is not in Asylum [wow.gif] .

Tonight’s menu: 3 oz truffle

I am Groot.

Bumping this one up as I just saw Andrew’s post about another offline. Wednesday, January 28, would work perfectly for me.

Andrew, any ideas for dates?

He doesn’t mind - you can bring whomever you want.

Or whatever. We don’t judge.