Swiss Fondue Night - SF Peninsula - Reschedule for January

Forgot to add that I have wines from two Savoie producers, Belluard and Dupasquier.

I think there is little chance that Eric is going to make the scene from Switzerland. But he would certainly be welcome to sit next to me (meaning Rob has to give up “his” seat [cheers.gif]) Might be a bit of football smack talk, but that’s ok by me.

If you need stale bread, I think you’re using the wrong bread. A good baguette that has both crunch and stretch is great, as fresh as you can get it. We use Acme sweet baguettes.

I would be happy to join the fun if schedules work. December is pretty busy for me too though. And you’ll get whatever random wines I grab :wink:.

Throw out some dates.
Dec is tough though.

With Craig’s M. Ilan thread and this…holidays… Either moveable?

I have not seen any dates proposed at all.

Given that the last venture took 4 months or something to come together…I just joined in at the last moment - 48 hours before the party. But I can pretty much commit to whatever the group wants to do here.

I’m not going to try to do MI before Jan and it may be later that month as I might have to travel early.

Next Thursday if folks are available

Sorry December is pretty much dead for me.

I have another wine event that night. I haven’t learned how to clone myself yet!

Hmm. I might be going to that same event.

Sorry to have to decline, and probably back out of any commitments in January.


I’m a maybe right now, but should be more definite soon.

If we don’t reach 8 by the weekend, I will push it off until January.

I could do that night, but do we even have 8 candidates now?

Personally can’t do Dec 11.
But if it changes to after Xmas (the week of New Years), I may be available.

December 11 is fine with me!

Can’t make it, hoping for January