SF Bay Area/Peninsula offline - June 27, Menlo Grill

If you have any Salon or DRC, you can bring those, because I know they sold them.

And if don’t have any of those, you can still bring them.

To rap star internet millionaires, maybe. Sadly (well, not for the rap star part), not to me rolleyes

I’m surprised Alan.
You seem pretty gangsta -

I hide my secret rap star life well, no?

Fo shizzle my nizzle

Unfortunately I have a conflict, I’ll be holding my own offline at the same date and restaurant and table as your offline. Mine starts a half hour earlier.

When the host says “Table for One!”, we’ll know that’s George’s reservation.

You can borrow one of their cones of silence.
Fortunately I won’t be able to attend yours.

Which one will you be bringing the good wines to? I’ll be at that one.

…and George, if you do come to ours, please, no more half bottles…

They only look like halves next to George.

Just FYI, I lost a bet so I have to be serious in this thread.

Dan means broken empty halves LOL…

So have we settled on a theme?
Beltramo’s wine might be okay but mine are all young…plus on the whole I forget what I bought there…

I probably haven’t bought wine from Belt’s in 10 years and I have no idea what wines, if any remain, came from them.

Considering the food, I’m thinking of bringing 01 Charvin.
Is this one ready?
( it’s my only bottle)

Hmm, maybe a CdP theme? I’ve got a solo bottle of 1994 Beaucastel.

I have a number of '98s. I can bring one.

How about older Rhones? (Northern is fine too)
with the usual…bring whatever you think is interesting and fun if you don’t have (old Rhone)…