Seattle, Friday Sept 25

Checking in from Roche Harbor marina.

I can probably do Friday. Should know for sure in a couple days. May have fresh forage d shrooms. Beaujolais is fantastic. Forgot to bring wine when I drove up from pdx, so I’ll be bringing a recent release.

Got Beaujolais, can do

Well okay then, this is taking form:

Attendee List:
Lee S
Peter H +1 (maybe)
Eric M +1
Mark Y
Hal B
Carter Y +1
Del L
Scott N - maybe

So with my wife we are at around a dozen, which is fine. We may have drop outs, so even open to a few more.

I do have to work this week, so my plan is to make a big pot of madeira braised short ribs on Thursday. I have a 13 quart Le Creuset that can feed a small army. Will try to do a couple vege dishes too. Stove top and large gas grill will be available if you want to bring anything requiring cooking cooking.

One other item, we do have one medium/smallish, short hair dog if anyone is allergic or otherwise concerned.

Hi Jim,

I’ll be bringing my wife as well.
And we’ll probably look into bringing some food, too.



I’ll bring a heavy appetizer at a minimum.

Any chance we can get a Pm of the house addres? :slight_smile:

Thanks and looking forward!

Okay, I believe I have pm’d everyone listed in post #23 above, so let me know if you did not get it.

I have used pm very rarely and may well be incompetent. Due to the number of recipients I had to send 2 messages, yet I see only one in my Sent folder and Outbox, so who knows…

Got the address PM. Thanks, Jim!
See you all on Friday. :slight_smile:

Housekeeping: I’ve had a few questions, so posting answers here.

START TIME: seems like most folks are planning 6:30ish. I’ll be home from say 5 - 5:30 on getting ready if you are free and in the area feel free to stop on in. I’m assuming folks will straggle in thru 7:30 or later. If you are late you might miss I wine or two I guess.

GLASSES: feel free to bring your own glasses, esp if you are picky, want multiple of the same glass, etc. I have modest glasses as follows:

  1. a dozen Schott Zwiesel Cru Classic Bordeaux - this is a large bordeaux stem with a rounder than usual bowl.
  2. half a dozen Schott Zwiesel Full Bodied Red - this is a little smaller with a smaller rim, but still a fairly round bowl.
  3. half a dozen basic Spiegelau Burgundy glasses
  4. half a dozen of those huge Crate & Barrel burgundy glasses that some people think substitute for Zalto (i’ve never used a zalto, so no comment).
    After that it is a true hodgepodge of logoware stuff, various sized white glasses, etc.
    So everybody should be able to have 2 decent, not great, unmatched glasses. 3 if you are willing to take ‘whatever’ for a 3rd glass. You are on your own if you want better than that. I certainly won’t be offended… [cheers.gif]

I’ll bring 2 stems of Zalto Burgundy just so we can do whatever comparison with the other glasses… [pillow-fight.gif]

My wife confirms that she will be joining us. We will bring some stemware.
I’ll pick up some loaves at Macrina and add some charcuterie.

P Hickner

I will be there for sure. I may have some foraged mushrooms, but it is unlikely and I will probably be on the later side if I do.

Lee don’t delay too long I think there will be plenty of food.

If not Picolinos is just 2 blocks away and they make a fairly decent, Vera certified pizza.

Thanks to the Divens for being such generous and gracious hosts! I really enjoyed meeting everyone! Thanks for the terrific wines and food. I look forward to seeing you all again soon.



I was totally wowed by the very high quality of the wines on show. I am converted and now actively a buyer of these elixirs.
Thanks Jim and Mrs. for the hosting, this tasting was memorable.

Thank you, Jim and Yvette, for hosting such an amazing night.
I know the theme was supposed to be Bojo but WOW! Those Vouvrays were intoxicating! I’m now on the hunt…

Good times as always… Thank you Jim for hosting and sharing those amazing Vouvrays!

Good to meet some new faces and see some old friends. And thanks to Jim and Yvette for hosting.

Jim and Yvette,

Well hosted and thanks for having us! It was a great time with some very tasty wines. Apologies for spilling the dog’s dish but I need to get on record that this happened before I had even picked up a glass. I hope to see everyone again soon.


I’d like to give belated thanks to Jim and Yvette, for myself and on behalf of my wife. We picked up the “grand-doggie” that evening, and the next morning headed to Mazama for some off the grid relaxation.

Did anyone, by chance, make a list of the wines opened? Better yet, is there a picture of the bottles that can be shared?

P Hickner