Ray Walker being interviewed on Grape Radio - Questions Needed!

What are his feelings and thoughts about why so many of his early supporters feel actually betrayed by him? (They’re not just frustrated by his logistical inefficiencies.)

Did you buy finished wine or juice from others that ended up with a MI label on it?

Why do the corks (inserted at bottling) not match the labels put on later?

Some people say that you are more interested in traveling, writing and promoting Ray Walker than building a quality winery or serving existing customers. What do you say in response?

Explain the moving targets on promised delivery dates. (Wines that were claimed to have been already shipped later show up in his possession. )

Now that’s just mean. [cry.gif] Why you got so much hate in your heart?

I guess I just have a big heart.

Speaking of…

Is it enough to just have a dream and care enough or do I need the ancient French winemaking manuscripts as well? I have the first two; could the last one be found on Amazon? Ebay perhaps? Already tried Barnes & Noble without any success.

Do you regret ever posting on Wine Berserkers?

What changes have you made so that going forward you can avoid the debacle of the past few years?

Most of my questions have already been asked but:

  1. Did you invite professional reviewers to taste the 2011 - 2014s? If not, why did you invite tasters for the much stronger 2009 and 2010 vintages, but not in the weaker later vintages?

  2. Did winemaking styles change between the 2010 and 2011 years?

  3. … and because it bears repeating. Why the exorbitant shipping costs for the 2012 and 2013 wines?

Do you think people will actually believe things have changed?

What do you have to say to the dozens (if not hundreds) of early supporters who you let down?

“It’s going to be all better, simply send me more money.”

And people will.

What’s your next car purchase?

Would you want your children to emulate your business practices?

Why do you think you deserve another chance with your disgruntled clientele?

What have you learned about yourself through this winemaking “venture”?

Have you engaged professional operational management or are you continuing to rely on an intern? We understand you have a new investor.Have they brought in management help?

Me too!

Has Klapper been banned? His account is deactivated.

How well is your marketing in Hong Kong/Asia doing?

Do you find the people in the Asian market are “more” or “less” concerned about paying “futures” for your wine?

Will you be able to produce enough wine to fill existing orders and those orders from Asia?

Can’t say I’m much interested in listening to 90 minutes of Ray doing damage control on his customer service issues. I’m more interested in this:

In Eric Asimov’s 2011 profile of Ray in the NYT, he wrote,

A Who’s Who of Burgundy producers, he said, have gone out of their way to help him, including Mr. Truchot, with whom he has become good friends.

Truchot is a legend. So it would be great to hear some of the advice he gave and any other stories about him, if they are still in touch.

ask a series of yes/no questions to start off with so he can’t meander and waste time. Then follow up with more open ended questions.
my 2 cents.

Deposition or interview?

Yeah, pretty much sure this was Ray exaggerating.

I would love to know which magical and “traditional” 19th century winemaking techniques Ray single-handedly revived via reading texts of the era that made fools of so many families that lived there for, you know, centuries.