PLEASE VOTE: Keep BerserkerDay on the 27th...or a weekend day near it

Wine Berserkers is ruining America!!! [soap.gif]


I agree with the gentleman from West Haverstraw. I understand the sentimentality of the actual anniversary and the enjoyable frenzied aspect, but I too spent more money with it being on the weekend & my employer has internet restrictions at work that made participation there more difficult last year. Whatever the decision, I am definitely a fan of the donor preview that was provided this year & I’m sure that also contributed to my increased spending; thanks as well to the wineries that opened up their websites the night before!

With all due respect, the Sunday between Championship games and Superbowl is a no-brainer. People will definitely schedule more BD parties on that day. Are you guys kidding me with getting in trouble from a spouse??? Give her some wine to drink that day and she’ll be happy and quiet. What is more dangerous to Berserker Day…an overzealous spouse or an employer that fires you because you are spending all day trying to buy wine at work? Look at it this way- if you lose your job then there is no $$ to even buy wine.
Thanks to all for putting this together. There was something out there for everyone. It was loads of fun.

Keeping it on a Sunday will pretty much ensure that I remain a donor (not that I’m considering otherwise). Honestly, if I hadn’t had the early preview, I’m not sure that I would have bought anything. As it was, my purchases were made around 2am EST, thanks to those who had their websites open. I tried to check in periodically on Sunday when my kids were occupied, but didn’t feel the same sense of participation that I had last year. It was just stressful trying to juggle this and kids/wife/activities/etc, and I got yelled at every time I checked my phone/laptop. For us, the spending wasn’t an issue since I’d budgeted a set amount. It was the intrusion into family time that really got the wife upset. Our agreement now is that if BD is on a weekend, I have to make all purchases before the kids wake up (about 7am EST) then shut off the computer for the rest of the day.

We’re almost at a perfect tie - hopefully we’ll get more votes, as I know we had far more participants in BerserkerDay than votes cast!

I feel that having the list the day before really levels the playing field. Those that have internet restrictions at work can certainly get up a little earlier to place their orders. Honestly, it was easier for me to make purchases at work last year than have my husband wondering why I was on the computer all day, and gripping about the credit card bills. Besides, having it on the 27th for me is a no brainer, since that is my wedding anniversary.

I am fine either way. My issue is the time of year. My wife’s birthday is just a few days earlier, and this one is her 40th, so all “my” BD budget went to “her” BD. Maybe next year I can squeeze a purchase or two in. I avoided this whole sub-forum like the plague Sunday…because I know I lack will power.

But i am not asking it to be changed…someone will always have a conflict no matter when it happens.

But when would it be in a leap year?

And on the Hebrew calendar this year it was the 16th of Shevat. Next year it would be the 26th of Shevat…and I have a standing appointment on the 26th of Shevat. So, you won’t be able to please everyone:)

The last Sunday in January works best for me. I have fewer responsibilities on Sunday and can hang around on this site all day.

My vote is for keeping it on January 27. That day has meaning; picking a Sunday, even if it’s the same time of year, is just a Sunday.

I actually had to work on BD this year so I wasn’t able to determine if there was any real difference for me, but I doubt there would be (no kids, very understanding wife who enjoys what I buy). Those that might lose out because of restrictions at work, though, are probably balanced out by those that have family or other obligations on a Sunday. You’ll never be able to please everybody.

Like others, I noticed a lack of the frenzy aspect from last year, but I don’t know that it resulted from advance notice to donors or it being a Sunday as much as there being fewer offers that were very limited or suggested time is of the essence. There seemed to be plenty of frenzy around Nicora, for example.

This x1000!

What else are we supposed to do that Sunday? Watch the Pro Bowl?

Could not agree more… I’m just looking for things to do on that day.

Easy for you to say…my wife was climbing all up my back that day flirtysmile

I vote with tradition [cheers.gif]

I voted for keeping it on the 27th for the sake of tradition, and because there was no option for expanding it to a week (or several), like Mardi Gras or Carnivale!

JK. One day of profligate spending is probably enough.

We had a dead heat earlier in the day, and it looks like the traditionalists have come back in droves…

Can I vote again to pad the lead?

Heh I already tried newhere

Voted for Sunday as I have more control over my schedule than during the week. Last year i was on a flight and out of town for BD which really cut in to the ability to enjoy it.