Outdated Wine Terms

Nearly all of the words and descriptions listed above can be apt and useful. They can be overused or misused. I am not sure I understand the purpose of the thread.

Yes, it has nothing to do with the color of the wine. This is one of the most useful wine terms around IMO.

“Robe” is truly useless. We have plenty of other, more immediately obvious, descriptive and precise nouns we can use. I’m all for variety in language, but this term is so intentionally opaque, it wins the prize for pretension.


How about terms that are MORE relevant? Like…


Kabinett, made obsolete by global warming and Burgundy-envy.

I see the terms “White Flowers” and “Smooth” used frequently on Cellartracker and other places.

Rather old-fashioned term, from the French, for a wine’s overall color and appearance. Anyone under 60 who uses it is probably being a snob.”

One wine broker I’ve dealt with refers to most Cabernet’s as “monster” wines. I always roll my eyes.

Juice. Hate that one.

Burgundy (for wines not from Burgundy)
Ditto Champagne

“100 points” is now outdated.

(makes sad face)

Hand-crafted. Beaten to death. And beyond.

I know it’s the marketing people, but still, it just needs to go away.

Mike & Jay,

I agree that both terms are useful, but when someone (not you two, I have a lot of respect for both of you, especially when Mike writes amazing tasting notes about one of my wines [cheers.gif] ) just looks at the color of a wine and says, “Red fruit,” or “Black fruit,” without even smelling the wine, then I think the terms are misused. And they’re probably overused, as this appears to be happening more and more.

At one time, that was a common term, used especially by the Brits, to refer to the earthy/loamy
character you’d often find in RedBdx wines.
But as the “terroir” term became to be more & more used as a sacred term, it now pretty much means simply the taste
of the particular area from which the wine originates. It is seldom applied to RedBdx anymore as they all taste
like overblown/overoaked/overripe NapaVlly Cabs. [stirthepothal.gif]

Robert M Parker
The Wine Advocate


+1. A term used by people who think they’re cool…when they’re not.

Anyone doing that is … well, I try to be polite in my posts so I won’t say that I’m thinking :slight_smile:

I’ll rephrase to say that used properly the terms are very useful to me.

This is the perfect wine for…
Cult Wine

sadly “Hipster Wine” will be with us until the current crop of somms turn 60,