NYC Berserkerfest~Memorial Day Weekend


I’m in.

FYI > the last time I went to a game with Flyertalkers, we really didn’t spend much time watching it. We were talking miles and points. Ya think the same will happen? If so, we should do cheap seats. pileon neener

Do we have an actual day for the dinner or is that pending restaurant negotiations? Sunday might be best, the Monday for people to travel back but not as busy a night for the restaurant.

Please add me to the list as well. I’m often in NYC that time of year and I’d like to join in–assuming there’s room.


I think we should decide that as we get closer to the date.

As long as I don’t find myself sleeping at the White Plains MetroNorth station again, I will make it to the game this time. [cheers.gif]

We could also do morning dim sum in Flushing, or arepas in Jackson Heights, I would be happy to conduct the full 7 train tour of Queens.

I apologize to Leo for not posting on this thread. He yelled at me today and thought I was mad at him. Actually, some of us have to work for a living - - - and that does not involve wine. Memorial Day sounds like a good excuse, but last year I had to run the homeless shelter BBQ and they will ask me again. I suppose smoking an extra brisket or two is no big deal. You try smoking brisket for 100 and see how it goes. Planning BF 87 for NYCis a good idea. Maybe we can call it Springtacularation. Or NewYorkisthe. BigApplefest. For those of you who have not done this before, I say neener More wine for me. Your loss is my gain.

In 2014 we had make your own pizza. We could do that again. Deep fried Turkey and smoked brisket with caramelized onions for the rest of the anti gluten crew. I’m afraid I’m getting too old to repeat the 2010 event, when we served a full dinner in the back yard every two hours for 8 hours (thats five dinners) and then Brought out the chocolate fountain and made chocolate covered bacon for dessert.

I’m in. As fun as PDH has been for the last two NYC offlines I’ve been to, it’s getting a little tired of a venue for me, personally.

Michael, we’ll discuss an alternative option at dinner on the 30th. I echo your sentiment.

Perry and I are likely in for this one. Haven’t been to my hood in a few years.

I would absolutely take the train up from DC for this.

jorge is hosting?

At least we know we’ll have enough water pitchers.

I have a venue in mind, its a rooftop in the Brooklyn Navy yard 9view of NYC. great for large groups and a buffet would work well. Sit-down joints for such a large group are difficult and Peking offers a certain something special in it’s more friendly room-around attitude than sitting while you hear utensils clanking…

Just a thought.

We definitely want a place that won’t mind people wandering around carrying bottles of wine and offering pours to other tables.

Okay. I’m in…an excuse to make it to New York is perfect!


Looks like a great venue, does this have easy subway access?

It’s about a 10 minute walk from the York Street F stop.

It’s not the walk from that is the killer. It’s the walk back to that is tough.

Looks like a great site . . . but what if it R@!ns?