Next Week's Beer Focus - The Master thread for beer focus weeks

Any thoughts on the next theme?

do some more lagers while i’m gone.

Well you should be back soon and I didn’t drink one lager.

Have we run out of ideas? I had a really nice local Red Ale today, Maybe something simple like Pales or Reds before we really get serious with the Imperial Stouts flirtysmile

Trying to be a pragmatic thinker here and just throw some ideas out for the very near future:

November - guess we should have done the pumpkin beers then. Thanksgiving and all. How about Brown Ales, Bocks or Dunkels?

December - “Holiday” Ales & Baltic Porters

January/February - Barleywine & Scotch Ales

Food (or in this case, beer) for thought.

I would definitely be down for some Brown ales or Bocks. Barleywines are a must [welldone.gif]

I vote reds or browns.


Reds and browns both sounds awesome. Scotch Ale’s and Barleywines need to be dealt with. Imperial stouts can come after the holidays. Holiday beers naturally should fit into December somewhere.

I don’t really care about the order. I drank a ton of good reds recently. I’d be happy to do so again.

Isn’t Cris our team captain? Where you at dude.

I vote browns! Already started some pre-work this week [drinkers.gif]

Let’s just do brown’s then. Done deal.

All right then, Browns it is.

I would like to recommend we do the following:

11/5-11/13: Brown’s (heading to the store today!)
-a break-
11/19-11/26: Red’s (I am hankering for some red’s)

Then that take us to Thanksgiving and we can coordinate our holiday schedule. When do we do holiday beers, where do scotch ales, barleywines and imperial stouts fit, and do we want to do anything at Christmas because of how busy it is for everyone?

Is that cool?

Woo hoo! Real beer again! neener

I’m down for Brown Ales. Let’s call it for the next week then but I’ll put the date for this weekend as well. I see a trip to Total Wine in my near future. [highfive.gif]

I just hit Total Wine at lunch. 7 beers I’ve never tried before! flirtysmile

Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale
Pete’s Wicked Ale
The Duck-Rabbit Brown Ale
Brooklyn Brown Ale
Smuttynose Old Brown Dog
Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale
Hebrew Messiah Bold

The Samuel Smith is simply awesome.

Also highly recommended for this tasting: Alesmith - Nautical Nut Brown Ale. flirtysmile

Man, I wish I could find Alesmith here. But I do have one Speedway stout left!!

I guess we kind of pooped out here. Well lets wake up in 2011.

We had votes for Reds but it never happened. So unless everybody is anti, I will say Reds from Jan 1-8.

After that, Dubbels?


We did Flemish reds for Roberto though he ducked out of sight for it. There was a call for Imperial stouts during the winter. Dubbels is also a good call.

Not flemish reds … no. Ambers or whatever they are called.


I’m always down for those though the selections seem thin these days.