My very first dry week.

Showing off the pulse oximeter, I see.

Glad to hear you’re already feeling better. Sending positive vibes your way.

Well that really sucks. Please get some rest and don’t give the nurses a rough time, they have secret weapons! But most get well really fast!!!

Rough way to go dry amigo! [wow.gif]

Coughing up blood is usually a bad thing.

But I think it may have to do with drinking wines that are maybe too tannic. My medical advice would be to back off to something a bit softer and more plush. Maybe even something with a little RS. You’ll be surprised at how fast you’ll get better. When I was in the hospital my wife brought me some Spiegelau stems and a bottle.

The other thing is you gotta make sure you don’t get in one of those rooms near to where they have some TV playing The View, Oprah, or those Who’s-your-daddy shows. Those programs will slow down your recovery.

Take care!

Maybe if you tell them you just can’t stop coughing, then they’ll give you some of that narco syrup that makes ya all warm and fuzzy. Better than drinking a 750 of port solo.

Seriously, get better soon. You seem like a hearty hombre, don’t fall to the temptation to get back in the rat-race too soon. I had some issues last year and the best thing I did was to make sure I rested up.


That sucks, Brian. Hope you feel better quickly. At least you’ve still got your sense of humor!

Sorry to hear that. Feel better soon.

Get well soon.

Get better soon, dammit!!

Any word on how our patient is this morning?

Get well soon, Brian.

The fact that the virus/bacteria/fungus could take hold is symptomatic of a dangerously low average blood alcohol level. Don’t let that happen again.

Feel well!
But seriously, wait with the wine for few days… :slight_smile:

Last time I was in the hospital I argued (unsuccessfully ) that white wine was a clear liquid. Sounds like you aren’t making any better headway. Get well soon.

Improving. Lactics back to normal, white blood still a little high. breathing normally but still wheezing and gurgling. Will likely be transferred out of ICU…
UPDATE: Dotctor just came in to see me and asked me why I was here. Seems as of my latest chest x-ray the pneumonia is gone. Going to keep feeding me antibiotics for another day but should be home tomorrow! Woo freaking hoo!

Great news!

We used to have crazy hot triathlete nurses in ICU… looneys and intense… How’s it there?

Good to hear.

Great news indeed!!

And additionally, Brian will be able to put the hospital on his list of recommendations for visiting Sonoma County! (Just noticed the 2 threads are just a few lines from each other on the page).

Glad to hear you’re getting better Brian!! If they put you on a course of antibiotics after release, you might want to do some homework on interactions before diving back into a normal wine routine. The one I’m thinking of is Metrodinazole, which can mimic Disulfiram in its lack of alcohol friendliness. Also Cipro can raise hell with the palate.

All the best for your continued recovery!