Friend of friend wants to land his helicopter at Screaming Eagle

Doesn’t he know that Screaming Eagle is passé and the thing now is paying $50k for bottles of Rose, helicopter not included?

Holy Shit!

At least until they leave the room

What came to my mind was the movie “The Sting”.

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This was probably meant for me…so I cancelled my reservations and ended up at Sizzler…to my surprise they have a burgundy mushroom sirloin that is to die for!

Isn’t that the recipe with three bottles of Chambertin - one in the dish and two on the table?

I don’t understand some of the comments. Clearly, he is a serious wine collector who can afford the best, and simply wants to ensure perfect provenance as well as chain of custody. My guess he has installed a temperature controlled cellar on his helicopter just for this occurence.

More often than not the response to a question will be “why bless your heart.” That’s southern for FU.

All I know is that Ann Walton is scary looking

id want SE if I had to wake up next to that


This has to be in the running for thread of the year…


“Scares the shit out of the vignerons.”

No doubt! If he’s truly a fellow who wants to land his HELICOPTER on a vineyard, departing this flight from his YACHT, he should be able to make one call and it would be done, if it could be done. Wouldn’t Amex Black - obviously he’s got that - be able to arrange it on his behalf?

Nonetheless, it truly is among the most douchey things I have EVER read about, ever. Ever.

We Berserkers know a guy who might get away with it, but that’s because of the helicopter he flies…

How you gonna stop him?

Me, I’d personally go with Airwolf.

Cue the Wagner!

A helicopter is so déclassé.

Here’s how I did it…


Sure they could organise

Really? Every Southerner that I know would see through this b.s. question immediately and politely tell Mr. Ente to move along.

I know few southerners who suffer fools quietly.

Sure they could organise

I guess I just don’t understand the indignation and rage about asking the question. In fact, when I first saw the title of the thread, I thought our old friend Miran Kegl had returned!