Friend of friend wants to land his helicopter at Screaming Eagle

This might be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen on this board. Your friend of a friend has self esteem issues.

I have a friend of a friend of a friend named Dr Evil who I hear can arrange introductions like this. He can be reached at 867-5309.

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and he plans on carrying the wine back to the chopper all at one time on his giant dick.

This +1

You might have better luck on or , this guy is way above our pay grade .

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This is why it’s so important that Jeff Bezos gets those drones up and running. Your poor FOAF has to helicopter in himself? Outrageous. He should have the stuff delivered to his boat wherever it may be. Besides, he’ll have to pass over Sonoma and might get shot down by some pot-growers.

If he does helicopter in, it would be funny if he got there only to find that another multi-billionaire from Columbia had sent a fleet of drones in and lifted the stuff the night before so he could sell it to an oligarch in Russia. The Columbian doesn’t want it because he drinks aguardiente or rum.

Even funnier would be if he gets the stuff someway or another and his friends don’t like it because they’re part of the AFWE. All that for nothing!

And/or the most hilarious.

Don’t give him ideas.

If his yacht can navigate far enough up the Russian River to reach the wineries, it’s not much of a yacht. A skiff, maybe.

I don’t know what is worse. The original idea, or the statement that a few friends were ‘unsuccessful’ in making it happen (implies that someone was of the opinion it was a good idea). Maybe he should try Trefethen instead?

Is your FOAF Jordan Belfort? Sounds about his speed. Have you tried reaching out to Todd Anderson? If anyone could make this happen, I’d think he could.

Too funny.

But seriously, not a chance in hell that you can land a helicopter at the winery. Near by helipad or the airport maybe.

It’s right on silverado trail.

wait, didn’t Jayson Woodbridge pull this off?

We don’t like your kind of practicality here. Isn’t the roof of the winery available? :wink:

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Being in the pacnw you meet many millionaires and even billionaires frequently, many have disposal income like you’ve never seen or cared about, yes they are first world problems but so is a premoxed white burg. To each their own, but to hate on this post whether it was intended to be real or not is pretty petty and stupid…

Jason, I think people are hating on this:

“The major point is for him to brag to his friends that he loaded the Screagle he is serving them on his helicopter after visiting and purchasing them during a visit to the property.”

A little google research suggests this might be the winery. If so, why couldn’t a helicopter land there? Not arguing whether one should do so.

Agreed. It’s all about perspective.
I am quite certain that if I had what was effectively an infinite amount of money I would do LOTS of things my friends and I found entertaining and other people would find wasteful. Flying to Screagle wouldn’t be one of them…but I can come up with many many more.

One of my billionaire acquaintances does things that i think are ridiculous and just to “keep up with the Jones’.” He also, anonymously, pays the mortgages and fills the college funds for the families of soldiers KIA. As far as I am concerned, I’d love for him to fly his copter to Screagle if he so wishes.

This = irony.

An interesting comment. Thanks.

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Why doesn’t your friend with the helicopter man up and invite his other friends with helicopters and go in like this? How can Screaming Eagle refuse?