Dinner In The OC - 1/31?

Seems like the easiest thing to do will be to do this at Frank’s house, which he has generously offered up as a possiblity. Let’s plan on a 6 pm start time, and in the interest of making this low stress on our hosts, would everyone be ok with Frank ordering takeout and splitting the costs? Looking forward to meeting you all!

Just bumping again to make sure everyone is good with the plan!

Eric and Bruce, please confirm back in so I know what’s what. Frenchie, I assume you are still good with coming over to Murray Casa and hanging here, yes?

I’m so excited, I set aside a change of panties

Yes, fine with the plan. Just deciding what to bring is tough.

Good, I would assume from your vast selection that picking some would have taken some consideration. Congratulations!

Yeah, particularly all the panties I stole from Dietz

It must be true. I found it on the Interweb. [tease.gif]
Todd's Pantie Raid on Dietz.jpg

If one of you has a Durand, would you please bring it? I am bringing an old bottle that could benefit from using it.

I’m also trying to decide what to bring.
How are we with glasses?

Eric, I have glasses so don’t worry about it. Where do you live, just curious?

My wife is talking about making a whole salmon, plus I can do a dark green organic salad. We still need a small cheese/meat platter…can one of you get by Whole Foods and grab a few things? And can one of you grab some kind of small dessert and a side dish? That would do it for us.

Las Vegas, but originally from So Cal and all my relatives still live there.

Eric, I will PM it to you. Look forward to meeting you.

I have a Durand I’ll bring, and maybe a bunch of (French, not coconut) Macarons for dessert?

I can bring some cheese.

If you PM me a list of things needed from Whole Foods I will pick them up.

Do we have a wine theme?? I’m afraid to look through all three pages of this offline thread…

No theme that I saw but I’m bringing Pinot, old and new world. Should work well with the salmon.

I’m bringing Maison Ilan.

No I’m not.

Todd - thanks for bringing the Durand. I’m bringing the 99 Pol Roger Churchill, an 87 Lopez de Heredia Bosconia and a 76 Riesling - figured no point bringing Cali to the Californians! Looking forward to it. Hopefully by Saturday my wife will have forgiven me for being in Vegas while she had to dig out of 30 inches of snow!