Cheap dessert wine for a reception

May not be quite cheap enough, but Torbreck makes a very decent inexpensive sticky called The Bothie that I think is mostly semillon.

Aren’t there Sauternes second labels that fall in the desired price range?

FYI, Muscat de Beaumes de Venise is fortified.

It’s probably a tad over the budget but the Ordonez Malaga #1, is fantastic for the price and probably distributed and available in that volume in MA. It’s usually about $15 a half, so maybe at a multiple case buy you could come close. Still won’t get it to $10.

Quady Electra should be about $15 for a 750. That is lower alcohol and more wine-like too so it can be refreshing and not heavy. Careful there is a white and a red.

BV (Beaulieu Vineyards) makes a Beaumes de Venise-styled wine called “Muscat de Beaulieu”. Costs about $8 for a .375. I think Mondavi still does one too.

Another Beaumes de Venise-styled French product is St. Jean de Minervois Muscat .375ml. Imported by Pasternak. About $12.

Coteaux du Layon is my reliable cheap dessert wine destination.

+1 on the Quady’s half bottles. Late Harvest wines from Chile and Argentina. Particularly late harvest Malbec, Chardonnay and Viognier.

The BV and St. Jean de Minervois Muscat are both fortified. David ruled out fortified wines in his original post.

Clever marketing.



I’d seriously buy a good quality Moscato d’Asti then. Vajra, Cascinetta Vietti, etc.

Baumard Coteaux du Layon Carte d’Or around $20.

This stuff is not only screw-cap(making it a breeze to open, serve and preserve), but absolutely fatastic for the price:

What dessert will the dessert wine be served with?


We forgot to ask if you want one with stems included? [wink.gif]

Maybe you can track down a case of this:

Texier makes a sweet viognier, but it’s $25 or I would have recommended that.

My goodness this is great stuff! My new favorite sweet with enough acid to balance. I pay $20 for 375 ml and it is worth every cent.

I was definitely thinking moscato d’asti, and you should be able to find something in range. I’ve yet to find a poor one, so pretty reliable IMO. It also should still appeal to wine enthusiasts as it carries the acidity that many cheap sweeties lack. The low alc% is also definitely worth thinking about for wedding guests who may have to drive home. Even something that a parent might feel ok to let a child have a small glass of / taste of.

It is remarkably good with chocolate / chocolate desserts if that is on the menu.

Creme glacee, with whipped cream, choice of valrhona and caramel reductions, and preserved cherries.

And rainbow sprinkles.

So have you made a decision??!?!?!?!

Moscato sounds good to me if you have to have a sweet wine at that point.

The last thing you want with most desserts is a classic dessert wine – Sauternes, Coteau du Layon or Auslese. They just fight each other. Unless the dessert isn’t very sweet, its better to go with something fortified or much lower in alcohol but fizzy, like the Moscato, so there’s a contrast with the sweetness of the dessert.