Cellar door retina scanner

With some familiarity in the data center security space, I can tell you that reliable Retina scanners are not cheap. A real PITA if someone has diabetes, cataracts, or even severe astigmatisms. I’ve seen times in the past where we’ve had to remove it from the authentication process. Not a big deal for us because it is typically one of multiple factors used in authentication, but for you, you want to make sure you have multiple unlock paths!

I would agree with the previous poster, check out a mobile phone biometric enabled unlock. Similar cool factor without the hassle!

Hey, I was restraining myself, but he posted a video so I can post a cartoon… (already given my serious reading - that the scanner is not really necessary and has a downside).

If you collect a lot of Greek wine, you might consider a retsina scanner as well.


I use an electronic strike that I can control with my Phone or the alarm keypad next to the door. Seems to get a rise out of most people.

Okay, Christian Gray.


I might install one of those to avoid Greek wine . . .

I would go with something like this, Fingerprint (1-door) Door Magnetic Locking Kit

Still geeky but without the added complexity of retina scanning. Obviously you can chop and change aspects and fail safes, which would make it cheaper.



Andrew - You have to help me out here, I don’t get it.

Too obscure? Was trying to make a 50 shades of gray joke and getting a rise out of people in your cellar . . . oh well.