Cayuse on deck; 09/03/2014

Got 3 packs of Armada, God Only Knows, and Cailloux, same as last year.

For wishlists, I’ve found that it is better to target just one or two wines you really want instead of “everything”, and the sooner you get your order and wishlist request in, the more likely you’ll get something added from your wishlist. From my experience, and watching closely who/when requests are getting filled, It seems that they fulfill requests one wine at a time, based on when the request was made. I’m assuming they start fulfilling the requests for the bigger production wines first, or at least the wines with the most available inventory to allocate. Also, you’ll only get one wine added per year max, so target what you really want to start.

I swear they use a Ouija board to do allocations. I’ve been on 6 years and Edith was my 1st year WL grant. In year 2, not only was I denied any WL items, but Edith was taken away from my allocation. Despite wishing everything, and turning in my order within minutes of receipt, I’ve never been allocated Any Syrah, let alone the Frog.

I can’t for the life of me figure out how they do allocations. It’s not FCFS. Noobies get 1st time offers for wines existing buyers still can’t get, etc.

I suppose if no one can figure it out, then no one can complain about wether it’s fair or not…


Been on list from just about the very beginning. I have been lucky to have a very generous allocation of what I’ve wanted which has changed over the years. Love all the syrahs but really love the GOK. But you have to ask to receive.

I hope more people pass on their allocations…

more chance of WL request! :slight_smile:

This is my 4th vintage with En Chamberlin, and last year (the 3rd year) I was granted Armada. Dying to get their cab stuff like Widowmaker, Camaspelo, and Flying Pig… so fingers crossed!

Jody, that sucks you’ve never been allocated any Syrah.

And I agree with your post. I’ve been on the list since the 2007 vintage, got Armada as my first. Wish listed a few wines and was granted an allocation of GOK with the 2008 vintage. Haven’t received bupkis since, not even a bump in my Armada. I dropped a couple wish lists thinking it would help out but still nada. So yeah, after reading many a Cayuse thread over the years it’s hard not to conclude the wish list process is entirely random.

Not trying to imply I’m mad about this, I love the wines…in fact, I opened my 2nd 2007 Armada last week to rekindle the fire and it was awesome. It’s more just a bummer to be on the list for a good many years and still see goose eggs in the wish list column.

Then again, I did land a spot on the No Girls list, which certainly makes me feel less bummed lol.

I landed on Horsepower for some Syrah as well, so Im less bummed too. I still enjoy the GOK and will happily keep drinking that one. Perhaps one day, I’ll hit the Frog lottery.

Can you share the cost per bottle for those lucky enough to be on the list?

Armada syrah for me.

Thanks for the input, everyone. I had to exercise some serious self-discipline and dropped GOK (gasp!), kept Armada, En Chamberlin, Camaspelo, and Impulsivo. My wish list is pared down to Pig, Frog, and Widowmaker.

210 En syrahs
285 frog

Per 3 pack

My pricing was a little different - Lovers $245, Cailloux $210, Frog $285

Frog $285
Widowmaker, Impulsivo, Flying Pig, Lovers, GOK, Armada $240
En Cerise, En Chamberlin, Cailloux $210
Viognier $180
Not sure on Edith ($35 or $40 per bottle?)

How is the Edith? I had some wish-listed with Offering Sept 2013 and was allocated a 3pk o f Edith 2012. I am really apprehensive about purchasing 2 year old Rose, so anyone have a little guidance in here? newhere

There are a lot better QPR out there in terms of Rose, but the Edith is typically a very solid, lithe, rose with good acidity, etc. Definitely more to the french style and made from rows of grenache grown and harvested just for rose as opposed to a saignee type rose.

5th year ordering for me this go round. Started out with GOK, next year GOK & Armada, 3rd year GOK, Armada & Camaspelo, 4th year GOK, Armada, Camaspelo, Edith & Wallah Wallah Mag. Looking forward to getting my hands on the Edith and seeing if it will remain on the list after this time around. Edith pricing is $35/each btw. GOK/Armada $240 and Camaspelo $210 as well. Hoping to someday add Widowmaker, Pig and Impulsivo so here’s to hoping…

I’m not in a position to take my mixed two case allocation this year. If anyone is interested in taking my full allocation, let me know and it’s yours.


Got my GOK and Cailloux. I got the Lovers last year on my wishlist. Found it removed this year due to “a decrease in production this vintage. Sorry if we didn’t get word to you”…

I’ve found it to be the opposite. It’s interesting to read what peoples allocations are and there seems to me to be a theme. I think you fall into a couple of different ‘allocation’ camps.
For me I fall into the Cailloux, GOK, Lovers (because I responded quickly the first year) Viognier, which I have seen many other people fall into this same allocation.

I have seen roughly 2 other allocation ‘camps’ that receive a different allocation than mine but the wines they receive are the same.Maybe I’m reading too much into it but there seems to be a pattern.