CANCELLED Boston OL @ Royal East Sun. June 12 afternoon

Wow, Ron, that’s about as scary as it gets. Thanks for the update, and I’m very glad you got good medical care. It will be great to get together when we can.

How are you doing Ron?

Amazingly well., thank you.
Diet is limiting salt and carbs and so far not a problem. Thanks for asking.


Glad to see the good updates Ron. I went through something similar 5 years ago but did not pass out. Have you been recommended cardiac rehab? It really helped me a ton - not just to feel a bit safer again in exercise and just in my body - but also to have access to the staff for all the inevitable questions - and for the comraderie! Glad they have you limited salt and carbs rather than on the crazy diets which I think would make me give up fast!

Keep healing!

Slun, I’m into week one of a 10 week rehab which so far is minor effort but which I add onto at home.
Biggest problem is convincing Joyce that a teaspoon of real bacon bits (half slice chopped) sprinkled on a salad once a week . :slight_smile: won’t kill me.

So glad you’re doing rehab … I’m not a gym person but found it fun (and I got rather competitive about it!)

I see an integrative doc at my hospital - by chance they have a good integrative practice which means wholistic options without the quackery. He told me I could chose Low Carb or the Essletyne diet but said they had met with the latter folks and they were all really skinny but kinda cranky (g) My cardiologist cringes when I say Atkins and mutters about no big steaks (he has clearly not met a Flannery Steak!) but all my test results are stellar when I stick to super low carb (even with bacon, etc). I think it’s a real YMMV - different bodies react better to different regimens. Obviously it’s up to what your doc suggests and what mix of issues you deal with - I don’t for example have high blood pressure so I have some leeway others don’t etc.

But no matter what, I’m so glad you came through … and are doing so well!

Joyce is all over me on keeping salt down and mostly white meats but some red so basically will be mostly Atkins. I see my cardiologist on Monday… The Essletyne diet is not ‘living’ for me,

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you … I found the initial adrenalin of surviving wore off and then I needed a bit more support. Make sure you love your doc or change. My cardiologist in Oakland where this happened to me was a saint, my first one here in Chicago when I got home was dreadful …made it all more scary.Now I see a nice guy, top former resident of a real top notch guy …way more mellow to work with.

Yesterday more of the event became clearer. We were sitting on our terrace when we hear noise of people coming into our apartment. Joyce goes in the find three men, one carrying a heavy metal battering ram.
It was three fireman who attended me on 6/6. One said, “whats doing Ron, you’re looking good”.
It seems like the accelerometer on my Lifeline alert button is too sensitive as it called in an alarm as I sat down (too fast it seems) in a lounge chair. They informed me that the EMT’s worked on me almost a half hour to get me stabilized me before they could get me to the hospital. They had to resuscitate me twice. I remember nothing until I woke up two days later.