After 18 months of Red Tape...

Thomas, I think my next day off will be Thanksgiving! To quote a certain Oil Exec “I want my life back!”

Just kidding, it’s a lot of work but it’s fun.

Could we have ASKED for a better headline: LA Weekly’s blurb on our Tasting Room.

“Where To Get Chianti With A Side Of Orgasmic Olives”

Awesome post on the biz! Congrats!!!" onclick=";return false;


I agree. I have seen a number of people sharing it via Facebook and Twitter JSYK.

Looove the new Tasting Room, Roberto. Beautiful!
Those high ceilings are to die for. Nice going!! [welldone.gif]

You have to see it now that we have a bunch of art up. Really beautiful.

PS: On Sun, Mon, Tues, we are doing a promotion with 25% off your bill PLUS a small crostini plate for the table. Cheers!

Did y’all check the first comment at the bottom?


Funny, I’m not seeing any comments at all. Is there a link to them or something?

Well, I neglected to notice that I had clicked on the link to the article about your signage, and was looking at the comments on that one.

Oh…that WAS funny!