'07 Maybach release date MERGED

Mr Posner…it is wine talk if you’re bashing the wine critic for wine related reasons.

Back to the thread…I’m really looking forward to this wine. TRB is making some great juice and can’t wait to see what he did with the 07 vintage. The critics seem to like it neener

Definitely sealed the deal for me. Kids, get all that you can afford.

Agreed on all counts.

Mr. Weissman,

Agreed. I cannot think of a time when someone questioned a wine critic on something other than wine related topics. Can you?

Update from the Winery,

We are now scheduling a Friday release.
Not sure exactly the time, but website with new vintages should launch sometime in the morning (PST).

Mailers will be en route to the Post Office shortly and should arrive at homes and businesses
starting tomorrow through Saturday.

As regards allocations, it is first-come first-served and we do not guarantee quantities.
However, identical small allocations in past years have kept wine flowing to all interested and long-standing customers.

We forsee no problem keeping the sales window open, at least into next week and most likely beyond.

We have been looking forward to this. grouphug


Chris, thanks for keeping us updated.

Gentlemen…start your engines. So to speak.

I bet you do. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
[winner.gif] flirtysmile

Tick tick tick - not up yet.


Go get 'em boyz.

cricket, cricket…
where did everyone go?
so quiet right now…like when the food arrives at the dinner table and mouths begin to fill with food…

My guess is that everyone is checking the credit limits on their cards.

It is up and running. Order away.

Should have bought Visa/Mastercard stocks.

After being on the fence, I think I am all in for six reds.

My order is in. What a brutal month.

That’s it for me I’m done and now join Tex in the no more wine for you club.

Yep. 70% of this year’s wine budget gone in the first two months of the year. This is my last big purchase until Fall.

yup… I remember it well and then shortly thereafter had the 05 and 06 with Charlie and Dan at my place… love it love it love it flirtysmile

so did u pass tex? [stirthepothal.gif]