$75 at Lot18 for $30! - Living Social Deal - MERGED

Great deal at living social going on right now. Spend $30 and get $75 at Lot 18. Some great wines from time to time and this is more than 50% off.

Here is the link to the living social deal

If you are not a member of Lot18 yet, here is my invite link

Full Disclosure:
I get credits if you purchase the Living Social deal and/or join Lot 18. This is a good deal so I wanted to pass it on to my fellow berserkers.

Great idea, Tyler. When Tyler’s 3 are fulfilled, hit up my other account. I only need 2 more. I will remove link when fulfilled:


If needed, here is my Lot18 Invite Code as well: http://www.lot18.com/i/Frederick26978


which city is the deal in? Mine isn’t showing up

Here’s mine, kids. C’mon, help a brother out.

San Jose

Oh this is where the fish are feeding…

There have been 80 new takers on the deal in less than the past hour. Guess it is popular…or is it typical Berserkers doing the usual damage?

Might as well add mine if the others get filled:

[link removed – I’m good – thanks!]

FYI, it looks like everyone is just clicking on Tyler’s link in the first post.

He needs to remove it once he’s had the three, as others have done.

(link removed)

Thanks to Todd and Andy, I only need one more.

Is there any wine there worth buying?

Lucky you, I’m still needing all three [worship.gif]

The voucher is good for a year and they have something interesting (IMO) at least every few weeks.

I would agree with mdaniel, they have some good deals-- i would say about 1 or 2 a week worth pursuing. I would say their wine really runs about 30% off retail, but when you layer it with some of these group buy discounts, it really makes for some tremendous deals. Most of what lot.18 offers is single-vineyard stuff that in a lot of case, you have never heard of. However, at prices like these, it is a great time to sample new stuff. Enjoy!

mine is done and free, link removed

please make sure to remove your link once its fulfilled

I’ve got one hit on mine - two more, please!

(link removed)

I’m in!
Link removed - [thankyou.gif]
374 Purchased …
Probably All Beserkers [berserker.gif]


C’mon peeps