Zalto Glasses - Which One?

Mod, please ban this member from the site for not liking the Zalto Burg glass.

Anybody find a Zalto that works especially well with Riesling (mostly MSR)?

I like the white wine glass a lot. Not just for riesling but many other whites and some reds (such as old Rioja).

The Universal of course. champagne.gif All kidding aside the Universal is a great Riesling glass.

The Universal is great for Riesling.* Also excellent for Champagne if you prefer a “real” wine glass to a flute.

*Is my love for Riesling sufficient to un-ban me for my dislike of the Burg glass?

Thanks, Riesling-fans!

+1 for the universal glas for riesling.I like the dry rieslings the most,dont know how the sweter ones perform in the uinversal glas.

I have had both Burgundy and Bordeaux glasses for 4 years now. I find I drink almost all red wines out of the Burgundy glass…I find it that versatile for evaluating and promoting the aromatics. And…I find I use the Bordeaux for whites of all types: riesling and chardonnay and viognier.

So, those two cover the waterfront for me. I’ve seen/used the universal, though have never owned one. Seems like a jack of all trades …and master of none…type glass.


I’m not a huge fan of the Burg glass either, though the workmanship and balance are outstanding. Not only too big (slightly), because of the angle you have to tilt it more than I care to to get wine to come out. That said, I plan to order a couple of Bordeaux and Universals to make a set.

I use the Zalto Burgundy for certain types of white wines a lot. Works great for me.

The Zalto Burgundy glass is terrific (as is the Universal). I tend to use the Burgundy glass for white and red burgundies, and the Universal glass for Bordeaux. Great glasses.

went with the burgs and i have my sights on the bordeaux. tried a small sip of '09 townly rutherford cab in the zalto burg and some in a schott bordeaux. the zalto significantly lifted the aromatics several levels above the schott. performed better in tasting as well.

granted its a single bottle on a single day, but i’m intrigued.

I actually think white Burgundy shows best in those glasses, too…and mostly use them for that…did last night for a 2002 Meursault (well…I used the Crate and Barrel , $6 knockoff, which I like just as well as the real Zalto Burg glass now)…

The Zalto Burgundy glass is my choice; why go for the puny Universal when choosing hand blown crystal of this caliber.

I am not convinced about the big Zalto advantage over other high-end red wine glasses. But my lady and I hate the skinny Champagne flutes restaurants offer; we always bring along the Zalto Champagne glasses which have room for your nose and do so much to enhance a great Champagne. [Only $50 a stem at You are being redirected...; available individually at the store.] No, I have NO connection to Winex.


We just got a pair of the burgs - beautiful and light as air.

This site has a purpose description for each glass. Although Chianti is mentioned as a wine suited for the Universal it appears that glass was designed primarily for whites. It makes sense to me when you look at its overall shape. I’m going to buy one of each and see, which one I like best.

Several Top-German-Winemaker use ZALTO Universal for Riesling:

Molitor (Mosel), Wittmann, Keller (Rheinhessen), Schäfer-Fröhlich (Nahe), Steinmetz (Mosel) etc.

Mr. Molitor told me that he tried all stemware available on the market, clear winner ZALTO

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