Stumbled across this article today, and found it rather interesting. Apparently, Yuengling topped Boston Beer (Sam Adams) for the largest American brewery by sales for this past year.
I drink very little beer, but I think that would change if I could get Yuengling out here in Chicago. It’s a little bit of home for me as an old Philadelphian.
Actually I think you’re better off with Goose Island…I understand the nostalgia but most of it is contract brewed in FL and while the average price is a reasonable $10.99 per 12pk even in NYC (I can get cases for around $16-18 in NJ) compared to good micro brews it always tastes watery.
My favorites in order:
Black & Tan
Premium (more of a Pilsner style)
Lager (a dark style)
Goose Island makes great beer, but it is not domestically owned. It was bought by InBev (through Anheuser Busch) last year. Before that, a good portion (42%) of the company was owned by the Craft Beer Alliance (Widmer, Redhook, Kona), which is also half owned by InBev.
Thanks for correcting me, but I was definitely thinking in terms of ‘brewed fresh locally,’ which I guess is no longer mutually compatible with ‘American owned!’
To me that is the allure…a safe selection in a place that doesn’t serve craft beer. I am always ok with it. I personally like it better than San Adams, but YMMV.
If I am in a place with no good beers, and they have Yuengling or Dos Equis lager, I can get by.