Yuengling - largest US brewer by sales for 2011

Stumbled across this article today, and found it rather interesting. Apparently, Yuengling topped Boston Beer (Sam Adams) for the largest American brewery by sales for this past year.


I drink very little beer, but I think that would change if I could get Yuengling out here in Chicago. It’s a little bit of home for me as an old Philadelphian.


Actually I think you’re better off with Goose Island…I understand the nostalgia but most of it is contract brewed in FL and while the average price is a reasonable $10.99 per 12pk even in NYC (I can get cases for around $16-18 in NJ) compared to good micro brews it always tastes watery.

My favorites in order:
Black & Tan
Premium (more of a Pilsner style)
Lager (a dark style)

Agree with Brent. Don’t understand the allure of Yuengling. Step up from the big 3.

I’ll take a Sam Adams ANY day of the week over Yuengling.

20 years ago it was as close to a micro as you could get in the area and comparable in price to Bud etc. Lots more to choose from today.

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Wicked Cool!

Yuengling is UGE in Florida. I’d never heard of or seen if before (sheltered CA boy) so this was a big surprise to me.

Who knew?

This fact fools a lot of people since Bud, Coors, and Miller aren’t American owned.

Goose Island makes great beer, but it is not domestically owned. It was bought by InBev (through Anheuser Busch) last year. Before that, a good portion (42%) of the company was owned by the Craft Beer Alliance (Widmer, Redhook, Kona), which is also half owned by InBev.


Thanks for correcting me, but I was definitely thinking in terms of ‘brewed fresh locally,’ which I guess is no longer mutually compatible with ‘American owned!’ [wow.gif]

To me that is the allure…a safe selection in a place that doesn’t serve craft beer. I am always ok with it. I personally like it better than San Adams, but YMMV.

If I am in a place with no good beers, and they have Yuengling or Dos Equis lager, I can get by.

Dude, no way! I wasn’t referring to JUST the Sam Boston Lager.

Are you seriously saying that if you had to choose between Yuengling Lager and Sam Adams Latitude 48 IPA, you’d go with the former?

I’d take Sam Adams over Yuengling 100 times out of 100.


Effin’ Southerners. [oops.gif]

go yuengling go!

(proud philadelphian)

Yes, because I don’t like IPA’s neener

(though their Winter Lager is actually quite good, so you’d have me there)

Well, for a man on a tight budget (me) it is hard to beat Yuengling’s bang for the buck, especially the Black and Tan. [basic-smile.gif]

Lord Chesterfield Ale is also good.

This thread is the first time I’ve ever heard of it and when I saw the name, I was thinking Chinese beer is the largest US brewer??!!

When I first heard of Yuengling, guessing about 7 years ago, I thought the same. Surprisingly, it’s German.

It’s not a real IPA — you’d probably like it, Scott.